Home » Taylor Swift’s Intense Workout Routine: Would You Be Able to Keep Up?

Taylor Swift’s Intense Workout Routine: Would You Be Able to Keep Up?

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Taylor Swift’s Intense Workout Routine: Would You Be Able to Keep Up?

Taylor Swift’s personal trainer praised the singer’s intense workout ethic, claiming that her training sessions are so challenging that others would “probably throw up” if they attempted to keep up.

Kirk Myers, who has worked with Taylor Swift for about 10 years, spoke highly of the pop star’s resilience and dedication to fitness in an interview with Vogue.com. He commended her for constantly pushing herself to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger.

Describing Taylor as “the most resilient person” he has ever met, Myers revealed that he approaches her training as he would for a professional athlete. During breaks from her concerts and while on tour, Taylor Swift would work out for two hours, six times a week.

Myers emphasized the personalized nature of Taylor’s workout routine, tailored specifically for her demanding schedule. He explained that they focused on stability, mobility, and biomechanics during the tour to maintain her physical condition.

Working closely with a chiropractic doctor, Amin Javid, Myers also implemented recovery techniques to help Taylor Swift cope with the rigorous demands of her performances. Despite the physically intense nature of her shows, Taylor continued to hit the gym even during her rare days off.

The celebrity trainer’s high praise for Taylor Swift’s dedication to fitness sheds light on the singer’s commitment to staying in top shape, both mentally and physically, as she navigates her busy schedule.

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