Home » Influencer Pamela Reif sat down at the checkout

Influencer Pamela Reif sat down at the checkout

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Influencer Pamela Reif sat down at the checkout

Fitness influencer Pamela Reif sat at the checkout for an hour in the new branch of a drugstore chain in the southern German municipality of Waldbronn. The campaign on Saturday raised 5,000 euros for a good cause. This is more than expected, said Philipp Herz, who is responsible for the chain’s branches in the Karlsruhe district. “We would hire them immediately.”

The visitors were mainly children and young people who wanted to take photos with the influencer. Reif, who lives in Ibiza and whose workout videos are seen by millions of people on the Internet, took a lot of time for her customers. After the one-hour event, the Karlsruhe native thanked the organizers. She had a lot of fun. According to the drugstore chain, the proceeds are donated to children and youth work in the community near Karlsruhe – for example at the German Life Saving Society (DLRG).

The 27-year-old had already announced the cashier campaign on her Instagram account a few days ago. “I’ve always wanted to do this,” she said with a grin on Instagram. She also mentioned that she hoped that people would buy her products. The whole thing is a PR campaign: The influencer has developed a range of hair care products such as hair oil and baby hair wax as well as a range of nutritional products, including protein bars and porridge.

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