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Russia, under house arrest at 17 for a writing: Lyubov Lizunova is the first case of a teenager considered a terrorist by the Kremlin

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Russia, under house arrest at 17 for a writing: Lyubov Lizunova is the first case of a teenager considered a terrorist by the Kremlin

Milan, 22 April. (beraking latest news) – The first Milan Hypermile Challenge ended at 5.30pm on Saturday 20 April, the challenge which aimed to reach 500 km of autonomy with a Tesla Model 3 Rwd, organized by the non-profit association Tesla Owners Italia during the busy Milanese Design Week on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th April. “After over 27 hours of driving – says a press release – the odometer reached 609 km, traveled in the Milanese Design Week traffic by 7 drivers who took turns driving without ever stopping and without ever recharging the car battery The Model 3 consumed 55 kWh of electricity, the energy equivalent of 5.6 liters of petrol: this brings the theoretical range of our electric car to almost 110 km/litre, a figure that surpasses even the highest performing ones by five times. hybrid combustion cars”.

Milan Hypermile Challenge was also a challenge to the toxic air of metropolitan areas. “The latest data provided by the European Environment Agency reports 63,000 premature deaths per year due to pollution damage – explains the prof. Alessandro Miani, president of the Italian Society of Environmental Medicine and one of the pilots of the Challenge –. Air pollution causes damage very similar to that of smoking even if we are not smokers and reduces our life expectancy by about three years.”

The car chosen for the Milan Hypermile Challenge was the smallest of the Tesla range, the Model 3 Rwd, “demonstrating that the electric car is a vehicle with accessible costs and even more interesting thanks to the incentives. The list price of the Tesla Model 3 RWD is 40,490 euros and with the soon-to-be-introduced ecobonus car it can go down to 26,740 euros, making it competitive not only compared to cars in sector C but also to some city cars”, highlights the note.

Seven drivers, Luca Del Bo, Alberto Oberdan Aleandri, Giovanni Giuseppe Savini, Daniele Invernizzi, Matteo Valenza, Matteo Massarenti and Alessandro Miani, took turns driving non-stop, for a total of 14 laps in a mixed urban and extra-urban circuit that saw the Tesla travel along the Milanese external ring road and then stop for the driver change at the Tesla Store in Milan Linate. The regenerative braking and management of energy resources typical of Teslas made it possible to exceed the set objectives.

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“The Milan Hypermile Challenge finds its true success as an initiative born from the bottom, by owners of electric cars who experience the advantages of sustainable mobility every day and who contribute to defining new limits and new challenges for the well-being of our planet. A true undertaking that is worth more than a thousand rallies and which makes every supporter of innovation a protagonist. And I am proud to have contributed with Tesla Owners Italia”, says one of the pilots, Giovanni Giuseppe Savini, economist and agricultural entrepreneur.

“The hypermiling challenges also serve to learn how to drive efficiently. With hypermiling you get to traffic lights using only kinetic energy as much as possible, you drive calmly and relaxed, you are much more careful when driving and you save energy. If you apply 20% hypermiling to your urban driving even with a combustion car you will find yourself consuming less, reducing the carcinogens emitted by the exhaust, being less stressed and causing fewer accidents”, adds Daniele Invernizzi, president of eV- Now! and co-founder of Tesla Owners Italia.

Alberto Oberdan Aleandri, 25 years old, a sales agent who chose a Tesla Model 3 Rwd for his work, underlines that “it was nice to be able to demonstrate that electric cars even in extreme conditions, such as the traffic of the Milanese design week and dozens of traffic lights and queues, allow exceptional journeys in total comfort and with extreme efficiency”. Pierpaolo Zampini, vice president and co-founder of Tesla Owners, oversaw a live streaming on social media that lasted over 27 hours without interruptions, he adds: “Millions of cars are circulating very polluting temperatures in Italy which contribute to causing tens of thousands of deaths from smog per year. We can say that every electric car, every Tesla sold helps save human lives”.

The car chosen for the challenge, the Tesla Model 3 Rwd, achieved the result also thanks to the innovative iON Evo tyres, supplied by Hankook, sponsor of the event. Tesla also contributed to the organization, providing the car for the challenge and offering a base for driver changes at the Tesla Store in Milan Linate. During the two days of the Milan Hypermile Challenge many interested parties had the opportunity to carry out test drives to personally experience the economic and environmental advantages and pleasure of driving a Tesla. Cinzia Agazzi, co-founder of Tesla Owners Italia, recalls another very important characteristic: “All Teslas are cars at the top of passive safety, and the Model 3 was awarded as the safest car, obtaining 5 stars in the tests Euro Ncap, with a score of 96% for occupant protection. Furthermore, the driver assistance technologies bring all Teslas to the top in active driving safety.”

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Finally Luca Del Bo, president and co-founder of Tesla Owners Italia, sends a message to politicians, local administrations and also citizens: “Today, each of us not only can, but must, make a difference. We immediately buy foods and items that guarantee the minimum use of plastic or plastic free, we use certified electricity from renewable sources for our homes and we use electric vehicles for travel. In short, today we have a moral duty, we can contribute with our small daily gestures to a healthier and safer environment for us but above all for our children and grandchildren; change depends only on us and must start from the bottom, from our habits”.

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