Home » Bardi’s centre-right ahead with over 55%. The definitive turnout at 49.80%

Bardi’s centre-right ahead with over 55%. The definitive turnout at 49.80%

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When they were 21 out of 682 sections scrutinized for the regional elections of Basilicata, the outgoing governor, Vito Bardi (centre-right) is confirmed clearly ahead at 54.16%, followed by Piero Marrese (centre-left) at 45.11%, and Eustachio Follia (Volt) at 0.72%. The polls closed at 3pm.

According to him Instant Poll commissioned by Telenorba to the specialized company Yoodata for the regional governments of Basilicata, the outgoing governor, Vito Bardi (centre-right) is clearly ahead, with a gap of 53-57%, followed by Piero Marrese (centre-left) with a gap of 41-45%, and Eustachio Follia (Volt) with a gap of 1-3%.. The polls closed at 3pm.

Brothers of Italy, with a “range” of support between 23 and 27 percent, it would be the leading party in Basilicata: this is the data that emerges from the “Yoodata” instant poll, commissioned by Telenorba and carried out with 2,020 interviews with Lucanian voters yesterday and today.
After FdI, there would be Pd (between 15 and 19 percent), M5s (14-18 percent) and Forza Italia (12-16 percent). In the centre-right, the League would obtain between four and eight percent of the votes. In the centre-left, Basilicata Casa Comune would be between four and six percent.
Volt, the European political movement representing the third candidate for the presidency of the Region, Eustachio Follia, would collect between one and three percent of the votes.

The Minister for Institutional Reforms, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, is following the counting of the regional elections in Potenza together with the general state of Forza Italia Basilicata. The former president of the Senate is the party’s regional coordinator.

Final turnout at 49.80. In 2019 it was 53.52%

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The definitive turnout for the regional elections in Basilicata was 49.80% of those entitled to vote. In 2019, when voting only took place on Sundays, it was 53.52.
In the province of Potenza the turnout was 47.92% (52.40 in 2019), in the province of Matera it was 54.08 (56.03 in 2019).
As regards the two capitals, in Potenza turnout was 63.28% (compared to 68.79 in 2019), in Matera at 55.60 (compared to 59.89 in 2019).

Great enthusiasm in Bardi’s electoral committee

After listening to the Instant Polls commissioned by Telenorba from the specialized company Yoodata for the regional elections of Basilicata, there is great enthusiasm in the electoral committee of Vito Bardi, outgoing governor and re-nominated by the centre-right coalition plus Action and Italia Viva.
Bardi, together with his family and his closest collaborators, is in the electoral committee, set up as it was five years ago, in a hotel on the outskirts of Potenza, where the news of the clear advantage was welcomed with great satisfaction, even if caution remains in waiting for the first official results.

Disappointment among Marrese’s staff: no one speaks, but the tension is evident

No one has yet wanted to speak to journalists, but in the electoral committee of the centre-left gubernatorial candidate, Piero Marrese, there is clear disappointment with the Instant Poll disclosed by Telenorba which would give the mayor of Montalbano Jonico (Matera) clearly detached from the outgoing governor, Vito Bardi (centre-right).
Marrese’s staff is in the electoral committee, set up in via della Tecnica in the Lucanian capital, where the arrival of the president of the Province of Matera is expected in about an hour.
The phone calls with the list representatives are continuous, especially with those of the most populous municipalities in the Matera area, where the turnout was higher than in the Potentino area.

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