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Health, 3 out of 4 experience hormonal problems, how to recognize and prevent them

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Health, 3 out of 4 experience hormonal problems, how to recognize and prevent them

European Hormone Day Promotes Awareness of Hormonal Health

As the European Hormone Day approaches on 24 April, experts from the Italian Society of Endocrinology (Sie) are urging the public to pay attention to the warning signs of hormonal imbalances that can lead to various health problems such as obesity, diabetes, thyroid disease, infertility, and osteoporosis.

According to Gianluca Aimaretti, president of Sie, around 75% of individuals are likely to experience a hormonal problem in their lifetime. Despite the crucial role hormones play in overall health, there is a lack of awareness about the importance of hormonal balance, leading many to ignore or underestimate the impact of hormonal imbalances on health.

In an effort to educate the public about hormonal health, Sie is organizing information events, free visits, and screenings across the country. The goal is to raise awareness about the signs of hormonal imbalances and promote preventive measures to reduce the risk of hormone-related diseases.

Hormones act as the ā€˜directorsā€™ of our health, regulating various bodily functions such as sleep, hunger, metabolism, and mood. Imbalances in hormone levels can lead to a range of health issues, with 30% of chronic diseases and one in 4 cancers being attributed to hormonal disturbances.

Endocrinologists stress the importance of lifestyle factors in maintaining hormonal balance, including regular physical activity and a healthy diet. They recommend moderate exercise for 90 to 150 minutes a week to help the body produce hormones effectively and reduce the risk of diseases with a hormonal component such as obesity, tumors, and diabetes.

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It is also important to recognize that hormonal imbalances are not exclusive to women, as men can also experience negative effects from hormonal disturbances. Symptoms such as unexplained weight changes, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, and decreased sexual desire can indicate a hormonal imbalance and should prompt individuals to seek medical attention from an endocrinologist.

In conclusion, raising awareness about hormonal health and recognizing the signs of hormonal imbalances is crucial for maintaining overall well-being and preventing serious health conditions. By taking proactive steps to maintain hormonal balance through lifestyle choices and seeking timely medical intervention when needed, individuals can safeguard their health and quality of life.

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