Home » Endometriosis film evening in Gröbming – ARF – Ausseer regional television

Endometriosis film evening in Gröbming – ARF – Ausseer regional television

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A district tour of the Styrian Health Fund in cooperation with the umbrella organization of
Styrian women’s and girls’ advice centers are intended to help raise awareness
To strengthen endometriosis and make the path to diagnosis easier. As part of this tour, the documentary “not the rule” was shown in Gröbming on April 23, 2024. Also one
A panel discussion with Josef Harb from the Austrian Health Insurance Fund on regional care offerings was part of the program.
Severe period pain, psychological stress and many appointments with the doctor – but
no diagnosis. This describes the story of many people affected by endometriosis. It is about
one of the most common diseases of the abdomen in women. It is estimated that one in 10 suffers.
Woman of reproductive age with endometriosis. In Austria there are around 4,000 every year
New cases.

The documentary “not the rule”, which was presented in Gröbming on April 23, 2024, provides an authentic insight into the disease – as part of a district tour that has already taken place
has been running since autumn 2023 and will continue in the next few months. This is a
Project of the Styrian Health Fund, which is implemented in cooperation with the umbrella organization of the Styrian women’s and girls’ advice centers – and in Gröbming with PHILOMENA – women’s and girls’ advice center.

Raise awareness and strengthen health literacy
State Health Councilor Karlheinz Kornhäusl: “The earlier endometriosis is detected, the more targeted it can be
the disease is treated. With our district tour we are therefore raising awareness of the disease,
present regional care offerings and thus make it easier to find the right therapy. Um too
To strengthen health literacy, we provide trustworthy ones at www.gesund-informiert.at
Information and an overview of contact points in the Styrian regions are available.”

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Diagnose and find appropriate therapy
“Regular complaints during menstruation should definitely be taken seriously
to be clarified medically, because endometriosis is often behind it. This important topic is coming up
increasingly the focus of research. It is therefore particularly important to us to sensitize our ÖGK contractual partners to the complaints of the
Diagnosing patients and finding suitable therapies with them. In many cases it can
women can be helped,” emphasizes Josef Harb, chairman of the state agency committee
Austrian health insurance fund in Styria.

Rehabilitation offer for those affected by endometriosis
The PV Rehabilitation Center Bad Aussee focuses on diseases of the digestive tract. In the
As part of this, rehabilitation is also offered for those affected by endometriosis, explains the medical director
Christoph Mauel, specialist in internal medicine. “Our range of therapies is very broad and individual
adapted to the patients. Psychological counseling is necessary for endometriosis
Treatment is very important, but so is a healthy or low-inflammatory diet and the
Movement therapy.” The referral is made via the general practitioner and specialist. “Me
“It is very important that the rehabilitation offer for those affected by endometriosis becomes better known,” emphasizes Mauel.
“The aim of rehabilitation is always to improve participation in social and working life.”

Relieve symptoms with visceral therapy
Ulrike Pfützner also supports those affected by endometriosis in dealing better with the chronic disease
to deal with. She specializes in psychosocial counseling & physiotherapy with a focus on gynecology and
Specialized sexual counseling. “It’s about dealing with pain and, above all, that
Taking the complaints seriously. Especially with endometriosis, those affected often have had it for a long time
History of suffering behind him.” As a physiotherapist, Pfützner uses visceral therapy, among other things
which works on the structures and looks at the musculoskeletal system and organ system together.
“I think it is very important that those affected seek help on an emotional and physical level
also talk openly about endometriosis in their personal environment,” emphasizes Pfützner.

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Contact points in the district
PHILOMENA also offers discussions as a women’s and girls’ advice center in the Liezen district.
Head Karin Trinker: Women can turn to us about social, family and psychosocial issues
– we offer women-specific advice. Endometriosis is also a recurring topic. Us
It is very important to raise awareness of the disease. On the one hand, it’s about
Becoming aware of the disease itself. And on the other hand, the contact points here are…
district become better known. Women should know who they can turn to,” emphasizes Trinker.

from left Laura Schnedl (umbrella association of the Styrian women’s and girls’ advice centers), Christoph Mauel (PV Rehazentrum Bad Aussee), Ulrike Pfützner (physiotherapist), Karin Trinker (PHILOMENA), Josef Harb (ÖGK), Martina Pfitzer (PHILOMENA), Laura Schutte (health fund )

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