Home » Voi wants to remove the Fröken Snusk song “Voi till min fuckboi”

Voi wants to remove the Fröken Snusk song “Voi till min fuckboi”

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Voi wants to remove the Fröken Snusk song “Voi till min fuckboi”

A Swedish artist sings about “voie” when drunk. Now the scooter company is threatening to go to court.

VOI, VOI: No, not that song. But the Voi song by Rasmus Gozzi (tv) and Fröken Snusk sets the e-scooter giant “Voi” in a tizzy. Photo: Gustav Eriksson

Saturday 27 April at 12:36 p.m

The short version

  • The Swedish artists Fröken Snusk and Rasmus Gozzi sing about drunk driving with Voi in the song “Voi till min fuckboi”
  • Voi reacts negatively to the song’s message about drug-impaired driving.
  • The electric bicycle company says it is considering which legal options may become relevant.
  • Gozzi believes Voi is using the case as PR, and does not fear possible legal action.

Sea view

I the song “Voi til min fuckboi” sings Swedish Fröken Snusk about wanting to “take a Voi through town when she’s drunk.”

On the song’s cover, the masked artist poses on an orange scooter.

Voi thinks little of the song’s message, and reacts to the glorification of driving under the influence of drugs. They say that they have tried to enter into dialogue with the production company behind the song.

The case was first mentioned in the newspaper Resumé.

The text of “Voi til min fuckboi”:

I go Voi, Voi, Voi

Through town when I’m drunk

Til min fuckboi, boi, boi

Because I want a fuck

Folk ropar oi, oi, oi

When we Voi-go over

I’m so young and stupid when I ride Voi,

I go Voi to my fuckboi.

Sea view

On Monday, Voi boss Fredrik Hjelm posted a post in which he lashed out at Fröken Snusk and producer Rasmus Gozzi.

– Through their platforms, they have great power to influence people. With that comes a great responsibility.

He says one of Voi’s American investors has advised them to take legal action, for possible copyright infringement.

HELMET WITH HELMET: Fredrik Hjelm is the boss of the scooter company Voi. Photo: Stina Stjernkvist/TT / TT Nyhetsbyrån / NTB

To VG, the said Gozzi hits back:

– Helmets have too little to do at work.

– Not our fault

Rasmus Gozzi believes Voi is using himself and Ms. Snusk as PR.

– It is a way for them to draw attention to drink driving. They have a very big problem with people driving Voi after they have been to the city. It’s not our fault. That is their problem, says the song producer to VG.

He suggests that Voi install a breathalyzer, a measuring instrument used to measure the alcohol concentration in the blood. on the scooters, if they want to avoid drunken driving.

– But then they will probably lose all their customers.

VG has been in contact with Voi, who expresses that they are deeply concerned about the lyrics.

– They glamorize traffic-dangerous behavior to a very young and impressionable audience, says communications manager Sofie Cederberg.

– Driving Voi after consuming alcohol violates our terms of use and puts both yourself and other road users at risk. In addition, the artists have used our trademark without permission.

Sophie Cederberg

Communications manager at Voi

Voi CEO Fredrik Hjelm took to Twitter earlier this week. In a post, he expresses his frustration that the artists do not take over the influence they have.

– Instead of meeting us with dialogue, I received insults from Fröken Snusk’s partner, Rasmus Gozzi, such as “I have a Voi handle in my ass.”

Don’t fear legal action

And you Instagram posts Gozzi points out that music is protected by freedom of expression, and that they never intended to “drag Voi into the mud.”

The manufacturer does not fear possible legal action by Voi.

– I don’t think they have much to go on. Maybe because we use the trademark in the song title, “Voi till min fuckboi”. Then I just change the title to “Voj till min fuckboi” instead, says Gozzi to VG.

Gozzi and Fröken Snusk are both associated with the production company Gozzi Records. The Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet has previously written about how Gozzi owns Fröken Snusk’s brand, and earns millions from the artist. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT / TT Nyhetsbyrån / NTB

Want the song removed

Voi is currently considering which legal options may become relevant, they confirm to VG.

– Ideally, we would like to see the song taken down, says Cederberg to VG.

She explains that they at least hope Gozzi and Fröken Snusk will make it clear on their platforms that it is never okay to venture into traffic when drunk.

Voi perceives the dialogue they have had with Gozzi as frivolous until now, but says they hope to be able to have a mature conversation and find a better solution in the future together with Gozzi Records.

Would do it again

VG has asked Gozzi if he himself thinks driving a scooter under the influence of alcohol is dangerous.

– Driving a scooter is not like driving a car. A Voi only goes a little faster than walking, he believes.

He nevertheless quickly clarifies that he believes everyone should follow the law in the country in which they live.

Would you have made the song again if you knew the reactions you would get?

– Yes, 100 percent. The song is a banger.

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