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how science confirms the slimming benefits

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how science confirms the slimming benefits

There is a vast choice of spices from which to choose to create many good dishes. Above all, it burns fat.

Different spices (Ricettasprint.it)

Spices in cooking are mainly used to flavor and aromatize dishes, adding depth and complexity to flavours.

They can also be used to add color and texture to dishes, as well as improve the presentation and visual appearance of foods. Furthermore, many spices have beneficial health properties, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory or digestive effects.

Thanks to their versatility, spices allow you to create unique and nuanced dishes, making meals tastier and more satisfying. There are many spices at our disposal for the preparation of the most disparate dishes.

Their use can serve to replace the use of salt, the excess use of which can cause the onset of hypertension. Eating too much salt can lead to several health problems, in fact. One of the main risks is increased blood pressure, which can in turn increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Excessive salt consumption can also cause water retention, bloating, kidney problems and osteoporosis.

Additionally, high salt intake can negatively affect the functioning of other vital organs, such as the stomach, liver and kidneys. Therefore, it is important to limit your salt consumption and pay attention to food labels to avoid eating too much. Consult a doctor or nutritionist to determine the salt intake best suited to your needs.

The most used spices in cooking are:

Black Pepper: Very versatile and adds depth of flavor to many dishes.
Salt: essential for seasoning and improving the flavor of foods.
Paprika: Adds color and a slightly sweet, smoky flavor to dishes.
Cumin: Widely used in Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine to add an earthy, spicy flavor.
Turmeric: has an intense yellow color and a slightly bitter flavor, commonly used in Indian and Asian cuisine.
Ginger: Fresh or powdered, adds a tangy, spicy flavor to sweet and savory dishes.
Cinnamon: Often used in desserts or meat dishes to add heat and sweetness.
Chili Pepper: Adds spiciness to many recipes and can be used fresh, dried or powdered.
Parsley: used as a fresh aromatic herb to season meat, fish, pasta and salad dishes.
Coriander: with a slightly citrusy and fresh flavour, used to season meat, fish and vegetable dishes.

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The spice that most helps burn fat is chili pepper. The active ingredient contained in chili peppers, capsaicin, is known to promote thermogenesis, that is, the process through which the body burns calories to generate heat. Consuming spicy chili foods can therefore help speed up your metabolism and burn excess fat.

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