Home » Udinese Market – Samardzic away at 0? Here is the reality of the facts

Udinese Market – Samardzic away at 0? Here is the reality of the facts

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Udinese Market – Samardzic away at 0?  Here is the reality of the facts

Lazar Samardzic will try in every way to make the difference in these last championship matches. Meanwhile, the truth about his future

Lazar Samardzic continues to be the center of the Udinese market. In the last few hours a truly incredible rumor has come out, given that according to the newspaper Calciomercato.It the club could sell the player at zero in case of relegation. Here is the whole truth about this situation.

In recent weeks the company has confirmed (also in an annoyed manner) that this clause is not present in the Serbian ace’s contract. Now all that remains is to secure safety on the pitch and then evaluate possible negotiations. In the meantime we must also move on to the championship match which will be played this afternoon at From the Ara of Bologna. Ecco the probable formations

If you want to delve deeper into all the topics on the Udinese world without missing any updates, stay connected to Mondoudinese to discover all the day’s news on the Bianconeri in the championship.

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