Home » Two Russian journalists were arrested for “extremism” after being accused by the Kremlin of collaborating with Navalny

Two Russian journalists were arrested for “extremism” after being accused by the Kremlin of collaborating with Navalny

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Two Russian journalists were arrested for “extremism” after being accused by the Kremlin of collaborating with Navalny

Two Russian journalists accused of “extremism” were arrested by their country’s government, and the court ordered this Saturday that they remain detained pending investigation and trial on accusations of working for a group founded by the late opposition politician Alexei Navalny.

Konstantin Gabov and Sergey Karelin denied the charges for which they were ordered detained for a minimum of two months before starting any trial. Each faces a minimum sentence of two years in prison and a maximum of 6 for their alleged “participation in an extremist organization,” according to Russian courts.

They are the most recent journalists arrested amid the Russian government’s crackdown on dissent and independent media, which has intensified following the Russian invasion of Ukraine more than 2 years ago. Russia passed laws that criminalize what it considers false information about the military or statements that appear to discredit that institution, effectively outlawing any criticism of the war in Ukraine or speech that deviates from the official narrative.

Sergei Mingazov, a journalist for the Russian edition of Forbes magazine, was detained on charges of spreading false information about the Russian military, his lawyer said Friday.

Gabov and Karelin are accused of preparing materials for a YouTube channel run by the Foundation for Combating Corruption, created by Navalny and which has been banned by Russian authorities.

Gabov, detained in Moscow, is an independent producer who has worked for different organizations, including Reuters, the court’s press area indicated. Reuters has not yet commented on the court’s ruling.

Karelin, who also has Israeli nationality, was detained on Friday night in the Murmansk region of northern Russia.

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Karelin, 41, has worked for several media outlets, including The Associated Press. He was a cameraman for the German media outlet Deutsche Welle until the Kremlin banned that outlet’s work in Russia in February 2022.

“The Associated Press is very concerned about the detention of video journalist Sergey Karelin,” the AP said in a statement. “We are seeking additional information.”

Russia’s crackdown on dissent targets opposition figures, journalists, activists, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and ordinary Russians who are critical of the Kremlin.

Several journalists have been jailed in retaliation for covering Navalny’s activities, including Antonina Favorskaya, who remains in pretrial detention until at least May 28, following a hearing last month.

Favorskaya was detained and accused by Russian authorities of being part of an “extremist organization” for posting on Navalny’s foundation’s social media platforms. She covered Navalny’s court hearings for years and filmed Navalny’s last video before his death in the penal colony.

Kira Yarmysh, a spokeswoman for Navalny, said Favorskaya did not post anything on the foundation’s platforms and indicated that Russian authorities targeted her for doing her job as a journalist.

Evan Gershovich, a 32-year-old American reporter for The Wall Street Journal, is awaiting trial on charges of espionage at Moscow’s notorious Lefortovo prison. Gershkovich and his employer have vehemently denied the allegations.

Gershkovich was arrested in March 2023 while on a work trip and has spent more than a year in prison; Authorities have not said what evidence they have, if any, to support his espionage allegations.

The US government has declared that Gershkovich was unjustly detained, and authorities have accused Moscow of using the journalist as a pawn for political purposes.

The Russian government has also used repressive measures against opposition figures. Vladimir Kara-Murza, a prominent activist, was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

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These incidents highlight the ongoing crackdown on dissent and independent journalism in Russia, as the government seeks to stifle voices critical of its policies and actions.

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