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Distribution of points on historic day / YMCA

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Distribution of points on historic day / YMCA

YMCA FIRE 0-0. It was a historic afternoon at the YMCA Arena when we invited the first ever elite league match at Ekeberg.

Sold out and close to 3,300 spectators, YMCA comrades of all ages and a fantastic setting at the new and upgraded YMCA Arena.

– It may not have been the big attacking battle, and there were no goals after all. But it is fun to bid for a high-intensity match here at Ekeberg, with many situations, sums up Johs.

Emil at the emergency room
Brann opened the game with most of the ball, while YMCA had several good transition opportunities that could have given us a result.

The big talking point of the evening came when 27 minutes had been played in the first half. With a high foot, Bård Finne put the knobs in the head of goalkeeper Emil Ødegaard, who plunged into the field.

Emil was left lying down, while the referee was invited over to the VAR screen to change the yellow card he gave to a red card.

Finne thus had to make an early return across our much talked about pedestrian crossing, while Emil had to be bandaged before he was sent to the emergency room to be stitched up.

Thus 17-year-old Henri Sørlie was thrown in front of the Brann fans. What a baptism of fire for the youngster who came to YMCA from Langhus last winter and who had only played junior football there! In YMCA, he has also played junior ball, in addition to some 3rd division matches.

With the second goalkeeper William Da Rocha out with an injury, it was time for the third goalkeeper’s debut.

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YMCA gained more initiative in the first half, but were unable to create many good chances before the referee blew for half-time.

Brann had a ball in the net, but after a few nerve-wracking seconds, the VAR room concluded that it was offside.

Proud boss
11 against 10 in the second half did not give YMCA the advantage we might have hoped for. The Bergens defended smartly and well and the YMCA boys rarely managed to get into the dangerous zone in front of the Brann goal.

This resulted in some usable shooting opportunities, but unfortunately it was not enough of a challenge for goalkeeper Magnus Dyngeland.

One point against Brann is of course a great result, but with 11 to 10 we obviously had hopes of being left with all three.

Nevertheless, it was a very proud YMCA coach who gathered the boys in the dressing room after the match.

– I am proud of what the boys are doing. It’s tough, even with one more man. A little too slow with the ball today, but it also depends on Brann being good at defending themselves, says Johs.

He is very impressed by what his 17-year-old last chance delivers in his debut at this level.

– It’s WOW mentality. It’s a lot of fun to watch. He is calm and handles it very well in every way, says Johs.

He also wants to thank the many YMCA comrades in the stands, led by the prophets.

– The support and push we get from the home crowd is fantastic. It’s probably the first time I feel that we match the away supporters in such a match, says Moesgaard.

Thank you to everyone who came to the game. It was a fantastic setting.

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