Home » Miguel Ángel Landa’s Iconic Phrase: The Origin Revealed

Miguel Ángel Landa’s Iconic Phrase: The Origin Revealed

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Miguel Ángel Landa’s Iconic Phrase: The Origin Revealed

Venezuelan actor Miguel Ángel Landa recently sat down for an interview with journalist Luis Olavarrieta, where he revealed the touching origin story behind his iconic phrase “Do well and don’t look at who.” Landa, known for his roles in over 60 films, shared that the phrase was passed down to him by his late mother, who tragically passed away when he was just nine years old. Raised in a family of 11 siblings, Landa’s mother instilled in him the importance of doing good deeds without expecting anything in return.

Reflecting on a memory from his childhood, Landa recounted how his mother would sell oats to workers on a newly paved street in La Pastora. When one man couldn’t afford to buy the oats, Landa’s mother insisted on giving it to him, teaching her son the valuable lesson of generosity and kindness. It was in that moment that Landa’s mother uttered the now-famous phrase, “Do well and don’t look at who.”

Since then, Landa has carried this mantra with him throughout his career and personal life, emphasizing the importance of doing good deeds without expecting recognition or reward. The interview with Olavarrieta provided a rare glimpse into the actor’s personal life and the values instilled in him by his mother. Miguel Ángel Landa’s touching story serves as a reminder of the power of kindness and compassion in a world filled with uncertainty and challenges.

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