Home » Shitthropocene what is it, a film explains the era of crap

Shitthropocene what is it, a film explains the era of crap

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These days we talk about Shitthropocenebut what is the era of crap, a term that indicates this historical phase of the human race in which everything goes to cow.
The documentary The is released on the topic Shitthropocenea new film from Patagonia that offers a humorous and provocative anthropological exploration of people’s consumption habits, taking a satirical, yet brutally honest look at how everything is turning into “crap” and why the urge to buy more more “crap” could destroy us all.

Shitthropocene what is it, a film explains the era of crap

Il documentary of 45 minutes includes moments of “hilarity”, including the dancing of the cavemen. While it may seem unnatural, unusual or hypocritical for a brand to tell its community to only buy what they need and nothing more, for Patagonia this has been a core message from the beginning. Here’s the movie

Over 50 years ago, the company’s founders knew that to prevent anyone from getting hurt during an outdoor sports session, the equipment they produced had to be of the highest quality. And then, another evolution: if what was being sold wasn’t of the best quality, it was just more junk that no one needed. Soon all this turned into a I commit to use business as a tool for doing good and to show how a company can generate profits by operating responsibly.
In practice, this meant making functional, repairable and timeless items, with minimal environmental impact and created by people treated and paid fairly. But also making films like The Shitthropocene and ask the Patagonia community to demand quality products and keep the gear running longer through the repair and second hand.
The Shitthropocene will be screened in Patagonia stores across Europe.

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