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Fiorentina-Sassuolo (4-4) – Scattered Considerations

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Fiorentina-Sassuolo (4-4) – Scattered Considerations

Fiorentina wastes a triple advantage and once again postpones the mathematical qualification for the Champions League.

Fiorentina-Sassuolo it could have been, for the Viola, the match of mathematical confirmation of qualification for the Champions League. For a good hour of play, in fact, it was. Two different matches were played at Viola Park, one for each half: the first, in which Fiorentina dominated the game, especially in terms of intensity, always arriving on the ball earlier than their opponents, managing to gain control of the game . The quality of the Viola attack clearly stood out, often outclassing the Sassuolo defense. The offensive quartet, in fact, succeeded in their aim of crushing the black-greens as far back as possible every time they brought the ball into attack, managing to be cynical and precise in the scoring phase: 3 out of 4 goals, in fact, come from Hammarlund and Janogy – author of a brace – triggered by 3 assists from Boquete who, every week, reminds us how beautiful the game of football is, especially if she is on the pitch.

The dynamism of Fiorentina’s midfield was then fundamental, in which Cinotti and Severini they produced play, won balls and raised the pace to such a level that, for the Sassuolo players, it was difficult even to make passes a few meters away. Viola’s second goal, scored by Hammarlund, in fact, was born from a suffocating pressing capable of nipping Sassuolo’s restart in the bud; in this case the credit must be given to Severini’s ability who in that context managed to win the ball in the midfield and start the Viola transition for the goal.

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In the second half the roles are reversed and while Sassuolo conquers the field, Fiorentina progressively loses the possibility of controlling and putting the game to sleep, a situation described well by Boquete in the post-match: “What happened millions of times in football happened: a team that she has nothing to lose and she throws herself in, the other one who has a little more to lose stays more closed off”. And so Sassuolo, step by step, undermined Fiorentina’s certainties and managed to complete the comeback in 15 minutes. Fundamental were the additions of Beccari first, who allowed the neroverdi to become more offensive by crushing Fiorentina in their own half of the pitch, and of Missipo afterwards, capable of increasing the intensity in midfield by bringing the right dynamism.

This match saw the meeting of four players belonging to two different football generations.
On the one hand, the game of Sabatino and Blowjob – born in ’85 and ’87 respectively – was monumental. Sabatino, who ran, chased and scored for ninety minutes, never seemed to lack clarity even in the most complicated moments of the match. Vero Boquete, on the other hand, was the author of 3 assists and, in general, a brilliant performance to which 5 key passes must be added. On the other hand, the 4-4 goal came from two players from 2006: Poje Mihelič and Manuela Sciabica.

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Years pass but there is one thing that Sassuolo always knows how to do very well: being a team capable of giving problems to anyone. Despite the cyclical change of interpreters, despite some missteps during the season and despite several teams in Serie A strengthening their squad from year to year, Sassuolo remains an opponent that no one would like to meet at a crucial moment of the season: as, indeed, , the decisive day for arithmetic qualification in the Champions League.
This is certainly one of, if not the great merit of Gianpiero Piovani

These scattered considerations are made in collaboration with Waxingpage on women’s football edited by Valentina Forlin.

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