Home » Elodie-Annalisa together: Sanremo 2025, Rai plans for the first post-Amadeus Festival

Elodie-Annalisa together: Sanremo 2025, Rai plans for the first post-Amadeus Festival

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Elodie-Annalisa together: Sanremo 2025, Rai plans for the first post-Amadeus Festival

Annalisa – Elodie (photo Lapresse)

Sanremo 2025 and the legacy of Amadeus’ record TV ratings

Angelina Mango’s victory ahead of Geolier and Annalisa closed Sanremo 2024 with an evening that on the front of the listen to TV recorded record numbers: 14 million 301 thousand viewers, equal to a 74.1% share. The last night of Amadeus all’Ariston (with him and Fiorello who closed the episode by leaving in a carriage) is a legacy for whoever will host the next Festival. Sanremo? Italian Super Bowl, was the analysis by Dentsu.

More generally it was Ama’s entire five-year period to be amazing from the point of view of the results achieved. Rai, lost Amadeus (from autumn to Warner Bros Discovery on the Nine, here what will lead) will therefore start again with one new artistic direction. The leaders of state TV are at work to withstand the impact of this passing of the baton. And rumors emerge about the Sanremo to come.

Sanremo 2025, Carlo Conti in pole position

In hosting for Sanremo 2025, Carlo Conti who has already achieved ‘Triples’ (from 2015 to 2017) seems to be increasingly in pole position. “Ama has done a great job, but you can’t think about precedents. The Festival has returned to its old glories. Some say that it was my people who started it again. I don’t take these credits”, the host told Corsera Tuscan (who just to stay in music in the summer will lead the Tim Summer Hits su Rai1) in these hours. And when asked whether Amadeus’s audience records, which reached a 74.1% share, scare him, he replies with irony.: “But I could never replicate it, I wouldn’t arrive at 2 in the morning (laughs, ed.)! Amadeus did a great job, but you can’t think about precedents, otherwise after Baudo no one would have had to do it anymore.” And again: “The Festival has returned to its old glories. Some say that it was my people who started it again. I don’t take these credits: the only one is having been lucky enough to find Mahmood, Irama, Gabbani among the new proposals and Ermal Meta, Nigiotti, Caccamo”. No women. “I regret it. But I wanted women on stage, starting with Maria De Filippi.”

Sanremo 2025, Carlo Conti and Maria De Filippi encore? And watch out for Giorgio Panariello-Leonardo Pieraccioni

About the presenter of You’ve Got Mail, Men and Women and many successful programs on Canale 5: “I did it with her, it was beautiful and we had a lot of fun. Maybe she and I will return, who knows”, Carlo Conti himself recently explained to Di Più. While TV Blog reports that Sanremo 2025 “it should be entrusted to Carlo Conti together with his two friends Giorgio Panariello and Leonardo Pieraccioni”. In short, after the wonderful couple Amadeus-Fiorello, now it could be a trio entirely made in Tuscany for the next edition of the singing festival.

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Annalisa and Elodie co-hosts at Sanremo 2025?

Meanwhile, DiPiù goes further and also includes the duo of Italian musical queens at the Festival: Elodie and Annalisa as possible co-hosts at Sanremo 2025. “For after Amadeus there are Carlo Conti and Maria De Filippi. With them also Elodie and Annalisa. At Rai they hope that this project will come to fruition. Carlo’s staff would have already started testing the waters to understand what to focus on for the next Sanremo Festival.”

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