Home » From Paglieri comes the smart locker, the intelligent system for workplace safety

From Paglieri comes the smart locker, the intelligent system for workplace safety

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From Paglieri comes the smart locker, the intelligent system for workplace safety

Thanks to the integration with other solutions of the Smart Safety corporate project – such as the personnel management software, containing personal data, roles, risk profiles and specific training courses, and the application that allows you to plan training sessions and record the certificates of participation received from the employees -, Smart Locker provides short video training and certification courses on the correct use of each PPE, thus helping the company to fulfill the training obligations required both for the updating of the employees and for the on-boarding of new hires.

This innovation, as well as safety, also concerns other areas of society. Through integration with the system and equipment maintenance management solution, it will be possible to have on the same computerized system an always updated schedule of maintenance interventions to be carried out on all systems, from fire prevention to safety devices. Similarly to what happens for PPE, the system will signal with alerts the requirements for preventive maintenance required. Any data regarding the use of PPE, training, maintenance cycles and various deadlines will be viewable on constantly updated summary and detailed dashboards.

All this contributes to an improvement in maintenance and therefore to greater safety and quality of work. A connected ecosystem of this type will also have a far-reaching impact on making business processes more efficient, more fluid, integrated, automated and digitalised. Thanks to the integration of the different systems, the activities related to the Smart Safety project can be managed with a limited effort in terms of time and resources to be dedicated to entering and updating data.

The introduction of the Smart Locker system will also reduce the number and space occupied by PPE lockers, as well as the use of paper documents. By eliminating the need to use paper for a large part of the production flow, the environmental sustainability that the group pursues will also benefit.

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The Smart Safety project is a piece of the management policy pursued by Paglieri for the definition of objectives regarding quality, health and safety at work within the Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Management System.

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