Home » “ParaCadute”, the Region’s communication campaign for the prevention of falls, is underway – Health

“ParaCadute”, the Region’s communication campaign for the prevention of falls, is underway – Health

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“ParaCadute”, the Region’s communication campaign for the prevention of falls, is underway – Health

Created by the regional health service, it explains in a video tutorial and a booklet what precautions to take at home and in hospital. In 2022 in Emilia-Romagna, 24% of over-64s fell to the ground at least once, mainly inside the home

April 30, 2024 – A parachute to drop from the sky and land softly on the ground. A parachute to avoid falling and getting hurt, sometimes seriously.

That’s what it’s called, “Parachute”the campaign of comunication made by regional health service and mainly intended to the people most at risk, therefore elderly, disabled or frail, to caregivers and their family membersto help them precisely prevent falls: second the national survey STEPS of Silver, in 2022 (latest data available) in Emilia Romagna il 24% of those over 64 – mainly those over 75 – have fallen to the ground at least once, mainly (53%) inside the home, or on the street (26%) or in the garden (13%): of these, 14% were hospitalized for more than a day following the fall and 33% had need for health care; not only that: 20% declared they had suffered fractures and 3.9% had broken their femur. Physical, but also psychological consequences, which can even lead to a loss of independence and autonomy in daily life, especially in the case of older people.

To preventtherefore, it is fundamental. And you can do it by following some useful recommendations and practical advice on correct behaviors to keep not only inside casabut also in hospital in case of hospitalization, or in clinic: those provided by video tutorial e from the brochure, both available on Region website dedicated to the campaign. Small precautions who, if they cannot always avoid falls, can prevent them as much as possible: for example wearing closed shoes, with low and non-slip soles, and clothes of the right size, because clothes that are too long or loose can increase the risk of falling, turning on the lights and don’t forget your glasses and hearing aid if you regularly use them, always use aids if you have difficulty moving.

In home eliminate risks and obstacles that can cause you to trip or slip, and pay more attention if you live with animals or children. Double caution is needed to avoid falls hospital, for example, keep the bedside table near the bed and have everything within easy reach, ring the bell if you need to, brake the wheelchair before sitting down and getting up. Some precautions are necessary for older and frail people, even if they have to go to a hospital clinic: it is better to be accompanied, bring the necessary aids with you, get help from the staff, don’t get up from the bed or go to the bathroom alone if you have difficulty, and never be ashamed to ask for help if you feel at risk of falling.

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The booklet, available in regional health facilities, also offers a test to find out if you are at risk of falling; finally, some video tutorial show exercises of the educational program of gymnastics for the prevention of falls to improve physical fitness, strength and balance, always following the recommendations indicated.

The commitment of the Region

The “ParaCadute” campaign is one of many initiatives implemented by the Emilia-Romagna Region on the front of the prevention of falls in the social and healthcare sector. Il system of regulation of accredited social and health services, for example, provides for a general accreditation requirement that ensures actions and interventions aimed at preventing falls, valid both for residential homes for non-self-sufficient elderly people and for day care centers for the elderly, daytime and residential socio-rehabilitative centers for the disabled and for the social home care service; then there are specifications address lines precisely on the prevention of falls, the promotion of well-being and physical activity of residents of facilities for the elderly; and again, they get promoted training activities for family assistants in the context of non-self-sufficiency funds, with the availability of information supports in a foreign language; an ad hoc plan has been put in place for the prevention of domestic accidentswith interventions aimed in particular at elderly people and children, and in each Local Health Authority a contact person for domestic accidents has been appointed to whom interested parties can turn for information, advice and advice.

To know more

Data falls in Emilia-Romagna

According to the latest national PASSI d’Argento survey, in 2022 there is a slight increase in the prevalence of over 64s who have reported a fall in the last 12 months both at a regional and national level, with 24% having fallen to the ground at least once time; in Emilia-Romagna this increase is more evident after the age of 75, among people with low education and those with perceived economic difficulties.

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41% of the over 64s interviewed are afraid of falling, equal to an estimate of around 447 thousand people in the region, a percentage similar to that recorded in the entire country (36%); the fear of falling rises to 62% among those who have fallen in the last year (the same value was found at a national level). Again: the percentage of people over 64 in Emilia-Romagna who reported being afraid of falling is more widespread among people aged 85 and over, female in all age groups, with low education, with economic difficulties, with signs of frailty or disability. 34% of those interviewed over 65 have a high or very high perception of the risk of suffering an accident in the home, a higher percentage than that found overall in Italy (28%).

The Region, through the Innovation in Health and Social Services Sector, also constantly monitors data on falls in hospital settings, which can have immediate or late consequences; in 2022 the regional rate of falls in hospital per 1,000 days of hospitalization decreased compared to 2021, going from 1.93 to 1.88, the same trend for the rate of falls in psychiatric settings, which dropped from 3.51 to 3.00 .

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