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When do we start to age? Unfortunately, sooner than you imagine

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When do we start to age?  Unfortunately, sooner than you imagine

As we know all too well, aging is a phenomenon that affects every individual and is a natural part of the human condition. Recently, a research team led by Professor Qiang Li established the age at which this inevitable process begins. Let’s see the study published in the journal Cell Metabolism.

After seeing how the right genes are enough to live up to 100 years, the team from the School of Basic Medical Sciences of Peking University, in collaboration with Professor Wang Liheng’s research group, has identified the driving factor in the early stages of aging: l’immunoglobulina G (IgG). But that is not all.

Professor Qiang himself stated that the significance of this study is twofold. On the one hand, it has been demonstrated how an excess of IgG antibodies represents a determining factor of aging; on the other hand, the team discovered that age-related IgG begins to accumulate in the adipose tissue of humans at a very young ageeven already in early adolescence.

In light of these worrying results, the study aims to alert the medical community on the relatively early onset of this natural phenomenon throughout human life. In this way, it will be possible to better monitor patients, improving their quality of life timely interventions e cure preventive.

Going into more detail, an excess of IgG in adipose tissue can lead to unpleasant conditions such as fibrosis, inflammation and insulin resistance, which can accelerate the aging process of the human body significantly. As if that wasn’t enough, they are also associated with various pathologies that could have serious repercussions on our health. So what to do?

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Surely, calorie restriction can prevent, slow down and even cancel part of the process of accumulation of IgG in adipose tissue, thus preserving both the function of the tissue itself and general metabolic health for longer.

After seeing why wrinkles appear, what will be the next step? Research capable of understanding the mechanisms underlying this process, in order to test methods of intervention on the accumulation of IgG for delay aging if possible.

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