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Wolters Kluwer explains the advantages of using the cloud

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Wolters Kluwer explains the advantages of using the cloud

Gianfranco Altamore and Mirko Fratus, from Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting Italia, talk about the reality of professional firms and SMEs and the relationship with the cloud.

Migrating your digital equipment and capabilities is not a simple step. The Italian professional world is preparing for this change with conviction but also with thoughtfulness. Hopes and fears of a journey to the cloud and new profitability.

According to him Digital Innovation Observatories of the Polytechnic of Milan 52% of SMEswhich represent the backbone of the Italian economy, with over 4.4 million companies employing around 13 million people, adopted at least one Cloud service in 2023, with a growth of 7% compared to 2022.
Spending on the Cloud by SMEs grew by 24% in 2023, reaching 351 million euros.

Technology adoption is driven by the search for greater flexibility and scalability, cost reduction and better access to truly innovative technologies.

Gianfranco Altamore, Genya consulting manager, and Mirko Fratus, Tax Lead Technology Manager, both from Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting Italia, see firsthand on a daily basis how the world of professional firms and SMEs reacts to the urge to transition to cloud technologies.

The advantages of using the cloud

Education e PMI they are committed, on different fronts and with different intensities, to first of all resolve everyday life made up of contingent problems and consolidated habits and often everyday life flattens perspectives, it also happens that the need to learn and delve into new things lowers the will and obscures the vision of future economic benefits.
But there is no doubt that the adoption of the Cloud leads to very concrete results even in the immediate future, if we open ourselves to more agile and future-ready logics and organizations.

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The Genya ecosystem, a set of cloud native digital solutions, is a very good example: data and Artificial Intelligence.
The improvement of work processes that emerges from the adoption of Genya and the cloud results in the emergence of a very precious asset, the true oil of the third millennium: data.

Fratus e Altamore
The cloud and technological tools like Genya have an innovation aspect of very high value in data generation. The full evolution of the professional to analyst and user of information that the data emerging from cloud applications offer is, at this moment, still in progress but is growing day by day.

Both Altamore and Fratus know that the artificial intelligence algorithms present in Genya cloud solutions offer extensive possibilities for extracting data and processing it.
It is an activity that generates very valuable information for the consultant’s clients who often have a view of their company and the development of their business that is too internally oriented.

The influence of everyday life and small operational problems, both managerial and productive, often distract the entrepreneur from the more general picture and from the possibilities of “seeing” the development and future expansion of the business.
The logic of “micromanagement” can be dispelled by the intervention of a trusted consultant who par excellence is the financial advisor of the company.
Starting from tax, insurance, banking and financial policy strategies, the accountant can support the entrepreneur, thanks to his experience and the analyzes he can carry out based on the data extracted from digital tools equipped with intelligence.

Fratus e Altamore
The transition is not immediate because the perception of the value of certain data is still quite poor. Gradualness, vision and planning are also necessary in this development of the profession. The mental transformation that will lead the professional to be a strong user of the information and data deriving from the digital tools of the Genya ecosystem is still in its embryonic stage. The accountant still experiences the stress of compliance as such. We have a wide range of conferences that discuss and guide the use of data to improve and differentiate the consultancy offering of Italian accountants.

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