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Very Harmful Anti Obesity Drugs: Words from Franco Berrino

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Very Harmful Anti Obesity Drugs: Words from Franco Berrino

Epidemiologist Franco Berrino Warns Against Improper Use of Anti-Obesity Drugs as He Turns 80

Renowned epidemiologist Franco Berrino, known for his dedication to promoting a healthy lifestyle, is celebrating his eightieth birthday. With decades of experience in preventive medicine, Berrino continues to emphasize the importance of living healthily and cautions against the indiscriminate use of anti-obesity drugs.

Obesity, a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation of body fat, can have serious consequences on health and quality of life. Berrino explains that having a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or higher indicates obesity, which raises the risk of developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Berrino points out that there are various factors that contribute to obesity, including genetics, lack of physical activity, food addiction, and underlying health issues. However, he stresses that the solution to obesity does not lie in drugs but in adopting a healthy lifestyle and following a proper nutritional plan.

The epidemiologist is particularly concerned about the misuse of anti-obesity drugs, highlighting the potential dangers associated with them. He criticizes the improper use of certain medications, such as antidiabetics, as slimming aids, citing side effects like gastric paralysis and other gastrointestinal disorders as health risks.

Berrino advocates for a holistic approach to health, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. He also recommends distributing meals throughout the day and avoiding large evening meals, as well as stressing the significance of chewing food properly in regulating appetite.

In conclusion, Franco Berrino urges individuals to be mindful of the risks of using anti-obesity drugs inappropriately and to prioritize a healthy lifestyle and nutrition. Following his advice can help improve overall well-being and prevent the severe consequences of obesity.

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For more information on combating obesity and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, readers can refer to Berrino’s expert recommendations and holistic approach to health.

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