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Mosquito plague approaching – pharmacies in North Rhine advise how to protect yourself, in…

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Mosquito plague approaching – pharmacies in North Rhine advise how to protect yourself, in…

30.04.2024 – 14:56

North Rhine Chamber of Pharmacists

Düsseldorf (ots)

Spring this year is mainly characterized by rain and cool days. When temperatures rise again, ponds, puddles and rain barrels are ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes. That’s why experts are expecting an invasion of the little pests on the first warm days this year. The pharmacies in North Rhine actively advise which protective measures against mosquitoes make sense and which remedies are effective.

What protects against mosquito bites?

Mosquito repellents that are applied to the skin to prevent insect bites are called repellents. These are available in the form of sprays, lotions, roll-ons or gels. They act like an invisibility cloak. The active ingredients block the small insects’ olfactory receptors. “This means they can no longer find their victims, us humans, so easily. To provide reliable protection against mosquitoes, repellents should have a sufficiently high concentration of active ingredients,” explains Thomas Preis, chairman of the North Rhine Pharmacists’ Association

“Apply the products all over the uncovered parts of the body ten minutes before going outdoors,” advises Dr. Armin Hoffmann, President of the North Rhine Chamber of Pharmacists. Be sure to avoid your eyes, nose and mouth, as well as open wounds or areas of skin with sunburn.

“It is important to repeat the application of the protective agents at the latest before the end of the specified protective effect time. Because heavy sweating and mechanical abrasion reduce the effect. In addition, not all agents are waterproof,” explain Dr. Armin Hoffmann and Thomas Peis.

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Numerous home remedies can also protect against mosquito bites. In particular, scents from lemons, cloves, catnip, lavender or peppermint are said to keep mosquitoes away from the skin. As a rule, however, high-quality mosquito repellents, mosquito nets or insect screens are more effective than the well-known home remedies.

What to do after a mosquito bite?

If the little bloodsuckers have bitten despite protective measures, it usually doesn’t take long before the itching begins. Then the sting should first be cooled.

This relieves the itching. A cool pack or ice cubes are best suited for this. So-called stitch healers, which work with heat or electrical impulses, are also effective.

And if the bite becomes infected?

In recent years there have been increasing reports of severe swelling and severe inflammation at the injection site. Environmental toxins could play just as much a role as the increasing spread of exotic mosquito species such as the Asian tiger mosquito. Antihistamines or cortisone ointments help with allergic inflammatory reactions. If the bites are scratched, in addition to the allergic reactions, additional bacterial infections can further increase the inflammation. The pharmacy teams in North Rhine advise which remedy is suitable in individual cases and when it is better to consult a doctor.

Press contact:

North Rhine Chamber of Pharmacists
Jens A. Krömer
Head of press and public relations

Poststr. 4
40213 Düsseldorf

Tel: 0211 8388119
Fax: 0211 8388299

Original content from: North Rhine Chamber of Pharmacists, transmitted by news aktuell

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