Home » More than half of African countries have less than 2% vaccination rates-8world

More than half of African countries have less than 2% vaccination rates-8world

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In the past week, the number of coronavirus cases in Africa has decreased by 35%, but among the 54 countries in Africa, more than half of the vaccination rates have been less than 2%. The World Health Organization has stated that there may be a long way to go before the goal of 40% of the global population to complete vaccination by the end of the year.

Currently, only 15 African countries vaccinate at least 10% of high-risk populations, which means that many frontline medical staff are still exposed to danger. The WHO called for speeding up the distribution of coronavirus vaccines to these high-risk groups.

Carton, president of the International Council of Nurses, also said: “Africa still has nurses and medical staff waiting for their first dose of vaccine, while in other countries people have completed their vaccination and they are receiving additional doses of vaccination.”

With the arrival of the autumn flu season, American health experts strongly recommend that people get the flu vaccine. Although flu cases hit a record low last year, economic activities have gradually opened up and the number of people wearing masks is decreasing. The authorities are worried that the flu is likely to make a comeback.

At the Amsterdam Theater in New York, the company had to temporarily cancel the performance of Disney’s Broadway “Aladdin”, which was scheduled to open today.

In Havana, the capital of Cuba, the authorities allowed the resumption of outdoor activities, and people went outside to enjoy the sun.

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Some people worry that opening up will bring more infections. At present, 90% of Havana’s population has been vaccinated, and the authorities have therefore loosened restrictions, including opening beaches, swimming pools, gyms and other entertainment venues, and shortening the curfew to allow dine-in.

For more related news, please click on the “Coronavirus 2019″ feature report.


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