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Inter, Bastoni and the interview with Sky. VIDEO

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Inter, Bastoni and the interview with Sky.  VIDEO

Bastoni vows eternal love for Inter: “Do I feel like spending my entire career with the Nerazzurri shirt? Personally, yes, especially after the demonstration of affection received during the Scudetto celebration – said the defender in an exclusive interview with Sky -. But I also went through important disappointments, such as the title loss in 2022 and the defeat in the Champions League final, and there too we felt the affection of our fans: I feel like repaying it.” Below is the full interview


How exciting was the championship parade?
“It was a great emotion: I had done the parade with the national team after the European Championship and it had taken us 3-4 hours, this time it took us double the time. The affection that the Nerazzurri people have given us is something we will hardly forget.”

Which symbolic image do you choose for the season?
“I don’t choose one episode, but the whole year. All the strength that the group had: there were many episodes that led us to say that perhaps this would have been the right time. After so many wasted opportunities, there was a lot desire to celebrate and make up for the mistakes of the past. And this comes from a collective, from a team union that has been seen throughout the year.”

An image that comes to mind is the goal in Bologna, with this group work from centre-back to centre-back, almost something innovative. When you think about that kind of growth you’ve made and the evolution of your game, what satisfaction do you have?
“It’s nice to be the showcase of modern football. It’s an evolution that comes with Inzaghi. Before it was a classic 3-5-2, now we hardly stay like that. I like to enter the pitch and spread out. We now have an understanding and such harmony, so we all know what our partner will do and we trust each other.”

Do you feel like saying ‘I would also like to spend my entire career wearing an Inter shirt’ today?
“Personally, I feel so, especially after the party and the demonstration of affection from everyone. It’s clear that, when things go well, it’s easy to celebrate and everyone be happy. But unfortunately I’ve also gone through major disappointments , like when we lost the scudetto or the Champions League final, and even there we felt a lot of affection from our fans. So I can tell you that I feel like repaying this affection.”

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Your role models are Thiago Silva and Sergio Ramos. What did you ‘stole’ from them with your eyes?
“Personality, not being afraid to make certain plays. If you do your homework, you will never be a game changer as Steph Curry says, who has always been my role model even in a sport other than football: he left his mark and is what I would like to do too.”

What did Inzaghi convey to you?
“The relationship with the coach was also seen on the bus during the celebrations. Certainly the quality he conveyed to us most was the tranquility and serenity of going onto the pitch to play football.”

Which captain is Lautaro?
“He inherited a great responsibility. Until last year we had Handanovic, who was a great personality in the locker room and was not easy to replace. He interprets this role differently, because he is of a different age anyway, and he relies on even to us ‘elderly’ people in the group to ask for some advice: it’s something that pleases me, because it raises awareness and gives responsibility to everyone. I like how he plays the role of captain.”

Who surprised you the most?
“Definitely Thuram, I didn’t think he could have such a strong approach in our football. We had already played against him with Borussia Moenchengladbach and he hadn’t impressed me that much. Instead you realize how, as well as physically overflowing, he is also intelligent in his movements and how much he works for the team. If I have to tell you one, I’ll tell you Marcus.”

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Inter will start as favorites next season…
“I said it before training a few weeks ago, that after the storm there is always sunshine. In football the most difficult thing is to repeat yourself, now they will all be waiting for us: starting from next season, they will all be ready to point the finger at us. We really want to repeat ourselves, even though many of us may have experience, we are still young guys with a great desire to win.”


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