Home » EU is helping Lebanon with one billion euros to curb migration

EU is helping Lebanon with one billion euros to curb migration

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EU is helping Lebanon with one billion euros to curb migration

Brussels, Beirut (epd). The European Union concludes a migration agreement with Lebanon. During a visit to Beirut on Thursday, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced financial aid worth one billion euros by 2027. The EU wants to contribute to the stability of Lebanon. “At the same time, we count on your good cooperation to prevent illegal migration and stop the smuggling of migrants,” said von der Leyen after a conversation with Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulidis.

On the one hand, the money should flow into education and health. The country’s economy should be strengthened, as should the army and internal security, including border protection. “In addition, it would be very helpful for Lebanon to establish cooperation with Frontex,” the EU border protection agency, explained von der Leyen. In return, the Union wants to maintain legal migration routes and enable reception programs for Syrian refugees.

Lebanon has welcomed more than 1.5 million Syrian refugees. “We understand the challenges,” said von der Leyen. Since 2011, the EU has supported Lebanon with 2.6 billion euros.

The EU will analyze how it can make the aid more effective. This also includes voluntary return to Syria in close cooperation with the UNHCR refugee commissioner and reconstruction in Syria. Lebanese Prime Minister Mikati said in his statement that many areas in Syria are now safe.

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