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Labor Day, why is it celebrated on May 1?

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Labor Day, why is it celebrated on May 1?

Only three years after those events, in 1889, the Second International, a federation of socialist and labor parties, They established May 1 “as a tribute to the Chicago Martyrs and as a day to protest workers’ rights.”, according to an article from the Mexican government. According to the same information, in the country, Labor Day was celebrated for the first time in 1913 with a demonstration. But it was not until 1925 when the day was officially enacted.

Labor Day is celebrated on May 1 in commemoration of the strike that broke out that day in Chicago in 1886.Sol / Unsplash

What achievements have been obtained for workers in Mexico?

Although the commemoration of Labor Day is global, in our country it has had a peculiar development, since the workers’ demonstrations have had a particular effect on labor law and workers’ guarantees. For example, the mexican constitution of 1917 It was the first to include the right to strike, one of the great achievements of the labor movement.

Another of the effects of national labor movements, like the Cananea strike and other historical manifestations, which contributed to the development of constitutional article 123 which states that “every person has right to decent work and socially useful.” Furthermore, he points out that the working day is eight hours and establishes the minimum wage and defines the conditions of access to social security.

But the achievements have not stopped there, because lthe guarantees that have been achieved labor extend to recent years. In 2019, for example, domestic workers were recognized in the Federal Labor Law and only in 2021 the outsourcing modality to hire personnel was prohibited. That same year, labor legislation added to its content everything related to the home office and remote work. signaling the right to digital disconnection.

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What are the labor rights that you should take into account?

Normally we put aside the guarantees we have as workers until we face a situation such as layoff. That is why it is important to know the basic rights and the laws that support them, which together define the conditions of the employment one has. These basic labor rights that you should know include salary, work hours, rest days, vacations and bonus, and all of them must be specified in an individual or collective contract. Information from the Mexican government indicates that “in no case may they be lower than those established in the Law.”

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