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This is how alligators are able to climb fences

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This is how alligators are able to climb fences

The animal world, as usual, never ceases to surprise us

Alligators are living proof that there are still dinosaurs walking among us. We are talking about a species that is among the most dangerous reptiles in the world and, furthermore, has some of the specimens with the longest life expectancy on the planet. However, few of us knew about their somewhat clumsy climbing ability.

A recent publication in a Reddit subforum has revealed an interesting fact about alligators – they are capable of overcoming obstacles of a certain height. Despite their short paws, these creatures are able to climb fences with the help of their size and powerful tails.

A video posted on Twitter shows an alligator effortlessly climbing over a fence, showcasing a skill that many may not have been aware of. This ability is not limited to just one isolated incident, as additional videos have surfaced showing alligators demonstrating their climbing prowess in various scenarios.

This behavior has caught the attention of experts, with spokesperson Lauren Claerbout from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission commenting on the phenomenon. She explains that alligators often use their climbing skills to navigate their surroundings and reach their destinations.

The videos of alligators climbing fences and maneuvering through barriers have amazed many and sparked discussions online. It seems that these fascinating creatures still have many surprises in store for us, proving that the animal world never fails to intrigue and astonish.

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