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Milestone passed / ASB successful project trains more than 100,000 …

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Milestone passed / ASB successful project trains more than 100,000 …

03.05.2024 – 10:00

ASB Federal Association

Cologne/Berlin (ots)

Extreme weather events, large-scale power outages or other disasters always place a great burden on the population and the environment. We are increasingly realizing that crises affect us more and more directly. It is therefore essential to sustainably promote society’s abilities in the areas of self-protection and crisis prevention and to strengthen resilience. The ASB calls on politicians to face these challenges and make the country more crisis-proof.

The Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland eV (ASB) trains thousands of interested participants every year in “first aid with self-protection content” (EHSH). The project, which started in 2020, is financed and supported by the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK). The modular courses are aimed at different target groups such as children, young people, young adults, families or senior citizens as well as people with a migration background.

The goal was to train around 90,000 participants by the end of 2024. Due to high demand and great social interest, the ASB was recently able to honor the 100,000th participant in the EHSH project as part of Module 3 “First Aid Medical Care”: class 9c of the Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium in Monheim am Rhein. The students actively learned how to recognize emergencies and provide first aid before emergency services arrive. This included, among other things, wound care with temporary material and working in a team. The participants also learned to recognize their own fears and stress factors and to act within their possibilities.

“The population must be strengthened to help themselves in an emergency and to protect their belongings from danger. Prevention is a central issue in order to be able to deal well with stressful situations such as disasters or extreme weather in an emergency. In this way, we are strengthening them “Resilience of people here in Germany,” emphasizes Edith Wallmeier, Managing Director of Emergency Services and Education at the ASB Federal Association. “We are not positioned to be crisis-proof. The state and politicians have to implement far-reaching reforms and modernizations here – EHSH is an important component of this!” continues Edith Wallmeier.

Further information at: www.asb.de/ehsh

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Press contact:

Marcel Deister
Workers’ Samaritan Association Germany eV
Head of Communications and Public Affairs
Tele: + 49 30 2 32 57 86 122
Mob.: + 49 1 72 23 67 528
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: ASB-Federal Association, transmitted by news aktuell

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