Home » “He shot 5 meters from me, no more hunting where you walk”

“He shot 5 meters from me, no more hunting where you walk”

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Vistrorio, Alessandra Luciano tells her experience. It happened in the Luera area, where the elderly and children pass

Vistrorio. In the sacred peace of the woods of Vistrorio suddenly a shot breaks out. «Instinctively I threw myself on the ground – says Alessandra Luciano, unfortunate protagonist of this misadventure -, but I didn’t think in the least about hunting. I even thought an attempted crime was more likely at that juncture. At one point, however, I see a hunter come out of the bush. He takes his slain hare, just five meters from me, and leaves. I was petrified ».

The Sentinel of Friday, October 1st in a minute

The hunter then joins his batting partner and leaves the area. Luciano remains on the cobbled path in the Luera area in Vistrorio, which due to the low difficulties it presents is often traveled by the elderly and children, with many questions in mind and with the typical determination of those who do not accept the standard answer: “Here the hunting is allowed “.

«Is it really possible – he continues -, that it is allowed here where the paths of the Alta Via of the Morainic Amphitheater open, paths for walking and mountain biking, very popular with runners, cyclists, families for picnics and excursions? These paths start from dirt roads that connect inhabited houses and neighboring municipalities such as Strambinello, Vistrorio, Lugnacco, Pecco and Meugliano. Now the season in which families go to collect chestnuts is opening, a small playground for children has been set up a little further on. Among other things, the man who shot him did so shortly after the start of the forest, a few meters from where he had parked the car ».

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Luciano, however, did not remain idle. He wrote to both the Region and the Metropolitan City, to ask if it is really possible to hunt in those places and if, in any case, the areas should not be rethought also by virtue of hiking. «Still, however – he underlines -, I have not received an answer. Metropolitan city gave me an email to write to, but there was no follow-up ».

So Luciano decided to write a comment on the Facebook page of the Sentinel, hoping someone would tell his story. And he did so under a special article, the one that reports the stance of the mayor of Val di Chy, Michele Gedda, against hunting. Not so much for animal rights positions, but for the dangers of sport in areas where hiking and trekking are now widespread and represent an important opportunity for tourism development. “I believe – explains Luciano – that all the municipalities of Valchiusella should unite and at least try to issue an anti-hunting order, as Vidracco has done in the past”.

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