Home » The government: how to succeed with 20% support?

The government: how to succeed with 20% support?

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Nicolás Maduro does not find a way to increase the support of the people. The incompetence and corruption of the regime produced a divorce with libel between Maduro and the citizens. Now his challenge is to stay in power knowing that he represents a very small minority and that, furthermore, he lacks the financial resources that would allow him to attract votes and arouse some enthusiasm. The option that is left to him is reduced to increasing the repression against his adversaries to limits that cause terror among opposition leaders and activists, and trying to build a legend around his leadership, based on his decision to confront the corruption of his own comrades and their courage to dismantle coups d’état, conspiracies and assassinations.

The repression against its contenders has been increasing continuously. The militants of Vente Venezuela and Primero Justicia, and the union and union leaders are his favorites. Since he cannot stop this whirlwind called María Corina Machado, which moves through the interior of the country with overwhelming force, he attacks the activists who organize the leader’s mobilizations. His recent tour of the Portuguese state left several regional leaders arrested by Sebin, accused of terrorism. Yes, terrorism! On a journey in which violence was imposed by the government. Under the same unusual accusation, several people from the MCM national command are sheltered in the Argentine Embassy in Venezuela, including Magalli Meda, team leader. We must add to this list the arbitrary arrests and forced disappearances of Rocío San Miguel, Dignora Hernández and Henry Alviarez, among many other opponents punished by the government.

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On another level, the regime has hit hard the already weakened union and trade union movement, which demands respect for collective agreements and an increase in the miserable salaries earned by workers. The “worker president” has applied an anti-worker policy like never before seen in Venezuela. His anti-inflationary strategy has had as one of its axes the drastic control of salary increases, with the aim of contracting demand and containing the rise in prices. Although the minimum wage and, therefore, Social Security pensions remain frozen at 130 bolivars (3.5 dollars), on May Day the increase in the comprehensive minimum wage to 130 dollars was decreed, which somewhat compensates for the erosion of purchasing power.

The repression and persecution of opposition militants has been combined with the dismantling of the corruption network around PDVSA and cryptocurrencies. This research has undoubtedly given plausible results, although strangely late. The leaders of this vast operation to loot public resources had to be discovered and punished with all the rigor required by the patrimonial damage caused to the nation. However, as the details of the case become known, it becomes clear that in addition to the attack on the most predatory corrupt people, the Government sought to settle accounts with Tareck el Aissami and the gang that sought to seize power from Nicolás Maduro. This is where forceps delivery occurs. With the intention of discrediting well-known opposition leaders, some of whom are in Venezuela and others abroad, the government is establishing artificial ties.

Maduro, through the prosecutor, refers to a conspiracy aimed at overthrowing him through an insurrectional coup. The turn seems forced. The rapprochement of opposition leaders with former adversaries, who come into conflict with the subordinates of those in power, is one of the most common events in political history. It even happens more frequently in authoritarian models. It must be remembered that in the months prior to the 4F coup, Hugo Chávez and other conspirators established contacts with people who had held important positions during the democratic period. Madurismo hides these episodes.

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Now, the government is trying to bog down the opposition in plots in order to sour the electoral climate, associating parties from the Unitary Platform with projects far from the electoral path. The intention seems clear. They may say: “with those who conspire against democracy (theirs) it is impossible to go to elections.” There the gap opens to persecute, accuse and outlaw those who supposedly participated in the conspiracy. The opposition would be disqualified, while Maduro would appear as the triumphant leader. The victim who does not allow himself to be cornered by his enemies.

We will see bizarre legends like those being hatched around the corruption of PDVSA and El Aissami’s betrayal of Maduro in the months remaining until June 28.

The opposition will have to be prepared to face all the slander, threats, arrests and forced disappearances that the regime will use in its vain attempt to avoid defeat in the July votes.

Systematic repression is the only way to try to succeed with only 20% popular support.


The entry The government: how to succeed with 20% support? It was first published in EL NACIONAL.

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