Home » VALTELLINA WINE TRAIL 2024 | Sportdimontagna.com

VALTELLINA WINE TRAIL 2024 | Sportdimontagna.com

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VALTELLINA WINE TRAIL 2024 |  Sportdimontagna.com

On May 1st, registration will officially open for the Valtellina Wine Trail, the race in nature on the vineyard terraces of the half-coast of Rhaetian Sondria which, after celebrating its tenth anniversary with a new attendance record, is once again aiming for 3,500 for the 11th edition scheduled for Saturday 9 November.

The bibs available for the three distances of 13, 21 and 42 km will be 1300 for the Sassella Trail, 1200 for the half marathon and 1000 for the marathon. The usual goody bag for the event with title sponsor Salumificio Rigamonti is also unchanged: all the flavors of Valtellina will be contained in a single bag, obviously including wine.

«The objective is to make known and enhance the excellence of our valley – underlines Simone Bertini, president of the organizing committee – and we are firmly convinced that the exploration of a territory can only start from taste. Let’s not forget that all three routes are small open-air museums, where the real work to be admired is a unique landscape.”

It is no coincidence that, year after year, foreign athletes continue to grow: just think that last year 43 nations were represented, with competitors also coming from the United States and Argentina.

The Valtellina Wine Trail – in addition to being one of the most popular trails in Italy – has become a must at the end of the season even outside our borders, an event not to be missed to end the running season in style in an event that includes sport, food and wine and fun: this year too the “third time” is guaranteed, with the inevitable pizzoccheri hand-rolled at the moment and the DJ set that will entertain the tireless until late at night.

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But it doesn’t end here, because VWT wants to be a point of reference for everyone, no one excluded: «The walk for joelettes is also confirmed for the 11th edition – underlines the organization – the special off-road wheelchairs which will also allow people with disabilities to be able to fully experience the unique climate of this event. Precisely with this in mind we have decided to make a small change of program by postponing the race dedicated to children to Sunday 10 November. This will help to liven up the city again and even the little ones will be able to breathe in the authentic atmosphere of the key event.”

After last year’s success, the Students Wine Trail is also guaranteed, the competition dedicated to secondary school children which, as in the previous edition, will be held in the evocative setting of Tenuta la Gatta, in Bianzone, the point through which even the marathon.

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