Home » Tremor in Colombia, Friday, May 3, 2024: earthquakes reported by the SGC

Tremor in Colombia, Friday, May 3, 2024: earthquakes reported by the SGC

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Tremor in Colombia, Friday, May 3, 2024: earthquakes reported by the SGC

In the history of Colombia, two earthquakes of more than 8 degrees have been recorded

The first of these events, of which there are records, was an earthquake that affected Cúcuta in 1875, known as the Andes Earthquake, which took place on May 18 of that year and had an estimated intensity between 7.5 and 8.5. on the Richter scale. This earthquake not only had repercussions in Cúcuta, but also caused damage in the state of Táchira, in Venezuela.

Different factors can cause earthquakes

  • Tectonic: This type of earthquake occurs due to movements in cracks or faults in the Earth’s crust, as well as at the boundaries between tectonic plates. These movements are the result of the natural adjustment of the Earth’s crust due to the energy accumulated by geological processes.
  • Magmatic: These earthquakes are caused by magma activity within the Earth’s crust, which is associated with volcanic activity. Movements and changes in magma pressure can generate seismic shaking.
  • Anthropic: These earthquakes are the result of human activities, such as the construction of large reservoirs that modify the pressure on the Earth’s crust, extensive mining extractions that alter the geological structure, or the injection of water and rock fracture in oil exploitation areas. that can cause seismic displacements.

What is the reason for the frequent seismic activity in the country?

Due to its position in the Pacific Ring of Fire, Colombia is identified as a nation with high vulnerability to earthquakes. This area is the location of approximately 75% of the planet’s volcanoes and is the scene of 80% of the most intense earthquakes globally.

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The country is located on two significant subduction zones, where the Nazca tectonic plate collides with the South American plate, and the latter in turn interacts with the Caribbean plate, generating frequent seismic movements.

Therefore, the regions of Nariño, Chocó, Caldas and Santander are the ones that mostly experience this seismic activity.

What to do in the event of an earthquake: a practical guide to staying safe

Although it is very complex to know when and where an earthquake can be recorded, the Ungrd indicated that it is possible to know safety and care measures that can be implemented and have on hand to avoid possible states of emergency.

In the event of any risk situation that may endanger the integrity of people and other sentient beings, the National Disaster Risk Management Unit indicated a series of recommendations to safeguard the integrity of individuals. Photo: Social networks

According to the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (Ungrd), an earthquake is the sudden release of large amounts of energy, which are represented through waves that move through the interior of the earth and that upon reaching the surface can be perceived by people, animals and even structures.

Santa Rosa del Sur – Bolívar

  • Magnitude: 3.2
  • Depth: Superficial (Less than 30 km)
  • Local Time: 2024-05-03 11:37:00
  • Hora UTC: 2024-05-03 11:37:00
  • Latitude: 7.83°
  • Longitude: -74.34°

Two earthquakes were reported this morning in the Colombian Caribbean @sgcol/X

How to activate the Google earthquake alert on your cell phone

This is the path that will work for many if you have an Android device, but remember it will depend on the brand of the phone and the customization layer it uses. So these instructions must be followed:

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2. Select the System and emergency option.

3. Earthquake Alert will appear at the bottom.

4. When you enter, the activation button will be there.

Enabling the feature may prompt Google to ask for location access and other permissions. It is necessary to give them to them because this will be the way in which they determine that we are close to seismic activity and generate the alert.

The earthquake alert works thanks to the cell phone accelerometer. (Freepik)

How is an earthquake different from a tremor?

The terms “earthquake” and “earthquake” refer to basically the same natural phenomenon: the sudden movement of the earth, caused by the release of accumulated energy due to the collision of tectonic plates. The main difference between both concepts lies in the intensity of the phenomenon.

While an earthquake can refer to any type of movement, whether mild or strong, an earthquake is used to describe higher intensity seismic movements that often cause considerable damage.

In practice, both terms are used interchangeably, but the main distinction arises from the impact caused by the seismic event.

The measurement of its intensity is carried out through the Richter scale, where movements of magnitude less than 3 are generally imperceptible to people, and those of magnitude greater than 7 can cause serious damage in inhabited areas.

Regardless of whether it is an earthquake or an earthquake, the important thing will always be to be prepared for an emergency of such magnitude – credit @sgcol/X

Venezuela and located 37 km from Becerril, Cesar

  • Magnitude: 4.2
  • Depth: Superficial (less than 30 km)
  • Local Time: 2024-05-03 07:04:00
  • Hora UTC: 2024-05-03 07:04:00
  • Latitude: 9.58°
  • Longitude: -72.97°
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Several citizens on social networks reported the earthquake in Cúcuta – credit @sgcol/X

In case of earthquakes on high floors you should do this: take note

The first recommendation of the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management is to protect yourself at all times and remain calm, since this will help you act more safely and in a more appropriate manner.

Once you identify that it is a tremor or earthquake, follow the following tips:

  • If you are in an earthquake-resistant building, locate yourself near columns, under a desk or in areas marked as safe, always away from glass or elements that could fall.
  • Never use elevators to evacuate, wait for them to finish and use the stairs.

Look here at the reports from the Colombian Geological Service (SGC) on the latest earthquakes in the country – credit iStock

  • Do not place yourself under the door frames, as it is not a safe place; the frame helps dissipate the energy of the earthquake, which is why it can break and collapse.
  • If you are at home and only if possible, open the main and bedroom doors, as they could get stuck and lock you and your family in.
  • If you are lying down and cannot get to a safe place, stay in bed or on your side and protect your head with your arms or a pillow.

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