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Shen Yun New Era Art Troupe Dazzles Audience in Paris, Prompts Reflection on Values and Tradition

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Shen Yun New Era Art Troupe Dazzles Audience in Paris, Prompts Reflection on Values and Tradition

Shen Yun New Era Art Troupe Mesmerizes Audience at Palais des Congrès de Paris

The Shen Yun New Era Art Troupe held their second performance of the year at the Palais des Congrès de Paris on the afternoon of May 3, 2024. The theater was packed with enthusiastic audience members who responded with thunderous applause after every performance.

Among the attendees were many elites from the political and business circles, who traveled from far and wide to witness the beautiful and touching performance. The show left a lasting impression on the audience, who were captivated by the dancers, costumes, and intricate stage setups.

One notable attendee was Jean-Marie Krajewski, the former president of the Metropolitan Opale Sud and mayor of Berck-sur-Mer in Pas-de-Calais. Krajewski and his wife made a special trip from their province to Paris just to watch the performance. They were both enamored by the dexterity of the actors, the variety of costumes, and the innovative techniques used in the show.

Another pair of attendees, Sylviane and John Van Wyngaardt, traveled all the way from the UK to Paris to watch Shen Yun. The couple, who work as information technology managers, were in awe of the beauty and uniqueness of the performance. Sylviane praised the long-sleeved dance in the orange costume, while John marveled at the rich colors and synchronized movements of the dancers.

Damien Higel, the general manager of AMS Elevator Company, also attended the show with his wife Catherine. They were both impressed by the music, orchestra, and talented dancers. Higel noted that in a rapidly changing modern society, it is important to preserve traditions, a sentiment echoed by Catherine.

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The performance also resonated with lawyer Audrey Pagot, who was moved by the artistic expression and historical depth of the show. She found the transition from stage to screen, as well as the exposure of communism’s destruction of ancient traditions, to be particularly intriguing.

Overall, the Shen Yun New Era Art Troupe’s performance at the Palais des Congrès de Paris left a lasting impact on the audience, showcasing the beauty and importance of traditional Chinese culture and values. As attendees reflected on the philosophical messages conveyed in the show, they were reminded of the significance of staying true to traditions in a rapidly changing world.

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