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Prevent concomitant and secondary diseases of diabetes with good blood sugar control

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Prevent concomitant and secondary diseases of diabetes with good blood sugar control

Team power with Markus Appelmann, Prof. Matthias Blüher, Martina Wolters and Yvonne Häusler (from left) (Image source: @Sanofi)

Frankfurt, April 26, 2024. Insufficiently controlled diabetes and blood sugar levels that are outside the individual target range can lead to various secondary and accompanying diseases in the long term. Unfortunately, almost a third of those affected do not reach their target values. For example, the feet can be particularly affected as a result of neuropathy or the eyes as a result of retinopathy. Mild nerve damage often occurs, which can lead to mild symptoms such as tingling or a furry feeling in the foot area. However, around 10 to 15 percent of people with diabetes are not affected by subsequent damage, as Prof. Matthias Blüher, Leipzig, one of the guests in the diabetes dialogue, emphasizes. During the last program on diabetes management in the winter, numerous questions were asked about skin care and accompanying and secondary diseases. Therefore, the first Diabetes Dialogue in 2024 was dedicated to precisely these topics with practical tips and tricks for everyday life. With answers and insights from practice – our guests in the interactive live stream: Prof. Matthias Blüher, diabetologist from Leipzig and Yvonne Häusler, diabetes consultant and member of the Association of Diabetes Consulting and Training Professions in Germany eV (VDBD) from Berlin.

Good self-management and regular check-ups – important building blocks in dealing with diabetes

Prof. Blüher pointed out the risk factors, because an increase in blood sugar is often only detected as a result of an infection. “Chronic inflammation, for example of the teeth, but also increased LDL cholesterol levels promote the development of concomitant diseases. The interactions between inflammation, infection and poor blood sugar control are well known. We recommend that diabetics, but of course also all people, eat a healthy and balanced diet, moderate exercise and good stress management as the basis for good health. Take your preventive examinations.” The diabetologist also emphasized that people with diabetes do not have to be afraid of developing a variety of secondary diseases. According to Blüher, one of the main goals in the treatment of people with diabetes is the prevention of concomitant and secondary diseases. Above all, achieving individual long-term blood sugar levels is crucial. Blüher explains that “scientific data clearly shows that the lowest possible long-term blood sugar level (HbA1c) below 7 percent is the best way to reduce consequential damage.” Yvonne Häusler always advises open communication in her consultations – not just in treatment the diabetological or general practitioner practice, but also with other specialist groups and privately. A sensitive topic that is particularly close to her heart is the possible effects of diabetes on sexuality: “Patients should not be afraid to discuss this topic.”

Practical tips for everyday life with diabetes

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Regular visits to an ophthalmologist’s office, foot care or diabetes advice – there are many opportunities for people with diabetes to identify secondary and accompanying diseases at an early stage with specialist staff and to counteract them. Lots of information on the topic of prevention and everyday tips for dealing with the consequences of diabetes – all of this was available in the diabetes dialogue in March. You can watch the event now at www.gesuender-unter-7.de.

The live stream series will enter the next round in June. A fitting topic that follows the information from this diabetes dialogue: cholesterol. Diabetes and high cholesterol often go hand in hand, and people with diabetes have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Everyone should know their cholesterol level! An exciting discussion about this topic will continue on June 14th at 4:30 p.m. – Cholesterol Day – with experts in this field. Tune in and be there live at the Cholesterol Dialogue!

About “Healthier Under 7 PLUS”:

With this educational campaign, Sanofi and more than 20 partners have been working for a common goal for many years: listening to people with diabetes, giving answers to open questions and supporting them in leading a better life.

More about our partners and further information on the topic of diabetes, videos and the live stream can now be accessed at: www.gesuender-unter-7.de


Image source: @Sanofi

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