Home » Avian flu, alarm over the epidemic among US cattle: coinjunctivitis is among the symptoms of the first infected man. The expert: «Probable other cases» – ilmessaggero.it

Avian flu, alarm over the epidemic among US cattle: coinjunctivitis is among the symptoms of the first infected man. The expert: «Probable other cases» – ilmessaggero.it

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Avian flu, alarm over the epidemic among US cattle: coinjunctivitis is among the symptoms of the first infected man.  The expert: «Probable other cases» – ilmessaggero.it

In the United States, alarm is spreading over an epidemic of avian flu among cattle, with a recent case showing conjunctivitis as one of the symptoms in the first infected man. Virologists are now warning of the potential for future pandemics to be caused by avian flu.

The initial case of avian flu in the US involved a man who exhibited symptoms of conjunctivitis with hemorrhage, sparking concerns among experts about the spread of the virus. Virologists are urging for new serums to be developed in order to combat the potential for a future pandemic to be caused by avian flu.

Experts are warning that there may be other cases of avian flu in the US and are calling for increased vigilance and preventative measures to be put in place. The importance of monitoring and controlling the spread of the virus cannot be understated, as the consequences of a widespread avian flu outbreak could be severe.

As the situation continues to develop, it is crucial for authorities to take swift action in order to prevent the further spread of avian flu among cattle and potential transmission to humans. The threat of a future pandemic caused by avian flu is very real, and it is up to scientists and health officials to work together to prevent such a scenario from becoming a reality.

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