Home » Spain crossed Milei’s response: “Unfounded terms that do not correspond between brother peoples”

Spain crossed Milei’s response: “Unfounded terms that do not correspond between brother peoples”

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Spain crossed Milei’s response: “Unfounded terms that do not correspond between brother peoples”

The insulting assessments of the Iberian Minister of Transport, Oscar Puente, suggesting in a speech that the president Javier Miley there was “ingested substances”, the response of the Argentine Government was harsh, but in addition to rejecting this lack of respect from the Iberian official, in the end the Argentine statement pointed to the allegations of corruption that affect none other than the wife of the socialist premier Pedro Sánchez. That was the situation with which the issue closed this Friday, but this Saturday a new twist arrived, a statement from the Spanish government itself, considering that the expressions of the Argentine statement “do not correspond to the relations of two brother countries and peoples.” “.

“The Government of Spain categorically rejects the unfounded terms of the statement issued by the Office of the President of the Argentine Republic, which do not correspond to the relations of two brother countries and peoples,” said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Spanish cooperation, putting the issue in a situation of latent conflict, which will now have to be seen if it receives new demonstrations from Buenos Aires.

“Substance intake”: the harsh statement from the Presidency repudiating the accusation of a Spanish minister against Milei

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In the text of the European country, emphasis is placed on highlighting that despite these short circuits “the Government and the Spanish people will continue to maintain and strengthen their fraternal ties and their relations of friendship and collaboration with the Argentine people, a will shared by the entire Spanish society.” .

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The Argentine nora had considered “slander and slander” the statements of the minister Puentewho in a speech he gave during a meeting of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party suggested that Javier Miley there was “ingested substances”. In that appearance, the Spanish official questioned the former president of the United States, Donald Trumpand then dedicated the criticism to Milei.

“The Office of the President repudiates the slander and insults formulated by the Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility of Spain, Óscar Puente, against Javier Milei”the Office of the President answered without half measures after the statements of the Spanish official.

The harsh Argentine statement

The presidential note emphasized that “Pedro Sánchez’s government has more important problems to deal withsuch as the accusations of corruption that fall on his wife, an issue that even led him to evaluate his resignation.

“For the good of the Kingdom of Spain, We hope that justice acts quickly to clarify such a corruption scandal that directly affects the stability of your Nation and, consequently, the relations with our country,” they published on the official account of the Executive.

Photo: X/@OPRArgentina

It was even questioned that Sanchez put “endangering” the unity of the Kingdom and leading his country to “dissolution”.

Minister Puente’s derogatory statements

In a meeting organized by the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), Minister Puente recommended that the young people present “be themselves,” and before specifically mentioning Milei, he suggested that “There are very bad people who, by being themselves, have reached the top”.

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Next, he made allusions to the libertarian leader and Donald Trump: “I don’t know if they will have advisors… Milei, of course, if she has advisors, I think she doesn’t listen much”. The minister finally stopped at the figure of Javier Milei and said that he saw him on TV before the presidential elections. So made reference to the alleged “ingestion of substances” on the part of the libertarian, who during the electoral campaign was characterized by a euphoric style.

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