Home » Juan Pablo Jaramillo would have had a psychotic attack after starring in a particular “live”

Juan Pablo Jaramillo would have had a psychotic attack after starring in a particular “live”

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Juan Pablo Jaramillo would have had a psychotic attack after starring in a particular “live”

The influencer published a video on his networks in which, excited, he denounced that they wanted to “silence” him – credit moviesfunfact / Tik Tok

Confusion about the status of the influencer Juan Pablo Jaramillo is becoming a trend on social networks, due to the disclosure of two videos that the young man published, since in one he warned that “he was afraid that they would kill him.”

In the videos that became popular on Tiktok and

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This video was recorded while the influencer was in the health center facilities, where he claimed to be being watched and photographed without his consent. His expressions exhibited a certain degree of exaltation, which exacerbated his feeling of insecurity and fear and, at the same time, shocked his followers and Internet users in general.

In the first video, Jaramillo said: “Hey, that man over there was recording me – I’m on a live show and all my followers are watching what’s happening, so no one is going to take my cell phone away.” “This man was taking photos of me while I was calling the police, because I’m afraid they’ll kill me, okay,” he said, alarmed.

The influencer assured that he was afraid that “they would kill him” – credit social networks / Tik Tok

And he added: “And here at this moment they are going to catch me and dope me, and they are going to silence me. I already called the police. I’m in the hospital, what’s the name of this fucking hospital?

The reaction to Jaramillo’s statements has been mixed. There are feelings combined and expressed both in words of compassion and support in the face of a possible near-psychosis, and in mockery and memes. One part of the audience showed strong concern for the well-being of the content creator, while others have accused him of exaggerating the situation or even of recording under the effects of possible drug use, and more, in a healthcare center. that could not be identified.

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Reactions to video of Juan Pablo Jaramillo – credit social networks/X

Meanwhile, a video went viral in which the influencer maintained that, although some may believe that his fear is unfounded, his intention is to show evidence of his claims as soon as possible. In an apparent state of more serenity compared to the first video, although, apparently, in the same hospital in one of the rooms.

Reactions of support to the worrying video of Juan Pablo Jaramillo – credit social networks/X

Already in the second piece, in greater detail, he tried to explain: “(…) The truth is that I don’t even trust the Police that I am going to call. I know that they will think that I am paranoid as shit, that I am a mythomaniac, I don’t know. Or some may believe me or understand me, or pretend that they believe me, because apparently many people in life have always humored me only to make fun of me and get my information out, and then comment behind my back. that I am delusional (English term for delusional) or that I am crazy, and that it is all my fault and that I am super bad, when even my former best friend ordered me to steal my cell phone,” he said.

Juan Pablo Jaramillo, still in the hospital, explained his first video – credit moviesfunfact/TikTok

He added that “then I will also tell you that, it is a long story. Same, presumably. That’s what I believe, but since everyone says that I’m delusional, I prefer to say allegedly so that later the ladybug doesn’t put me on charges, or anything like that. Allegedly, allegedly, allegedly. Then I will prove everything,” she concluded.

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Jaramillo’s rise to fame was due to his homemade content on YouTube, and that is why he became one of the most recognized influencers in the country. Despite having kept a low profile in recent years, this incident has once again placed him in the public spotlight. .

As of the time of the content going viral, Jaramillo has not provided additional updates on his status or the development of the situation on his social media platforms. This has left many of his followers and the public waiting for answers and more information about the veracity and context of his shocking statements.

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