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The new king of the Major piqueria

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The new king of the Major piqueria

In a presentation full of creativity and skill for interpretation of the finalists of the Piqueria Mayor contest, the Vallenata Legend Festival Foundation issued the results.

First place was taken by Ángel María González Valdemar, 34 years old, born in Lórica, Córdoba, becoming the new king of this category.

The repentista demonstrated his verbal dexterity and his ability to improvise on various topics, captivating the audience and the jury with his passion and performance in the vallenato verses that flowed incessantly.

In second place in the King of the Piqueria contest, Leimer Javier Cárdenas Meza, who is a native of Cúcuta – Norte de Santander, was crowned at 42 years old, and in third place, Guajiro Jaider David Daza Bolaño, who was 31 years old, was crowned. years he achieved third place in the supreme Vallenato improvisation event.

The qualifying jury was made up of Yotimar Prada, José Felix Ariza, Jesús Alberto Márquez and Juan Arteaga. In addition, the core group that accompanied us throughout the competition was led by the amateur accordion king Jesús David Valderrama.

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