Home » Even mild periodontitis can be treated

Even mild periodontitis can be treated

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Even mild periodontitis can be treated

Those affected should take the first signs of periodontitis such as bleeding gums or bad breath seriously.

Although the inflammation is painless for a long time, it usually progresses unnoticed, warns the proDente initiative on the occasion of the European Day of Periodontology on May 12th. If left untreated, periodontitis can lead to tooth loss in the long term and promote general illnesses in the body.

The gums are slightly red and slightly swollen. Every now and then it bleeds. These can be the first and only signs of early periodontitis, an inflammation of the periodontium. Those affected often do not notice these symptoms or do not classify them correctly. “Periodontitis develops over years. It begins with inflammation of the gums and does not initially cause pain. Therefore, it often goes unnoticed by those affected,” explains Prof. Dr. James Deschner, Director of the Polyclinic for Periodontology and Dentistry at the University of Mainz. “The first noticeable symptoms such as bleeding gums, swollen gums and often bad breath initially indicate gum inflammation. However, if left untreated, periodontitis can subsequently develop with loosening of the teeth.” It is therefore important to detect and treat periodontitis as early as possible. The self-test from the German Society for Periodontology (DG PARO) reveals the personal risk of periodontitis:

Bacteria cause gum inflammation

Periodontal disease is caused by bacteria that adhere to the surfaces of the teeth, on the edges of the gums and in the spaces between the teeth as plaque. If the bacterial plaque is not removed through daily cleaning of the teeth, the amount of bacteria on the teeth increases. The oral bacterial biofilm shifts in favor of disease-causing bacteria. What is initially soft plaque turns into hard tartar due to the incorporation of minerals. This promotes the further growth of the plaque. The body’s immune system reacts with inflammation. Dentists speak of a so-called gingivitis, i.e. inflammation of the gums.

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Periodontitis can develop over a long period of time

If gum inflammation persists for a long time, it can progress into periodontitis with the formation of gum pockets. If the inflammation is not treated, the gums detach from the surface of the tooth and a gap forms between the gums and the tooth, a so-called gum pocket. The initially superficial inflammation penetrates deeper and leads to the breakdown of tissues that hold the tooth. This affects the gums, the tooth-supporting fibers and the bone around the teeth. The dentist can detect the pocket during a check-up using the Periodontal Screening Index (PSI). It is not uncommon for bad breath to occur. Because bacteria collect in the gum pockets.

If left untreated, there is a risk of tooth loss

If left untreated, periodontitis causes the jawbone to deteriorate more and more. The tooth increasingly lacks support. It becomes more and more loose and may eventually fail or need to be removed. In advanced stages, the inflamed gum pockets are also a reservoir for pathogenic bacteria and can cause pain or abscesses. From the gum pockets, the pathogens can also get further into the body’s bloodstream and increase the risk of other diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or rheumatism. More information about periodontitis can also be found at: the Federal Dental Association (BZÄK).

Prevent gum inflammation

But what helps with gum disease? Can gum disease heal on its own? Basically, the less plaque there is, the lower the risk of gum inflammation or the resulting periodontitis. Therefore, it is best to prevent effectively:

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Brush systematically to completely clean all tooth surfaces – even those that are harder to reach – every day. Regardless of the toothbrush you use, brush for at least two minutes.

Electric toothbrushes reduce gum inflammation slightly better than manual toothbrushes.

Use interspace brushes daily. They are most effective at reducing gum inflammation between teeth. Dental floss is only an alternative in very narrow spaces where the use of interspace brushes is not possible. Toothbrushes alone cannot adequately clean the spaces between teeth.

An antibacterial mouthwash solution can supplement individual oral hygiene, but does not replace brushing your teeth.

Professional teeth cleaning (PZR) in the dentist’s office removes tartar and bacterial plaque in areas that are difficult to reach with oral hygiene at home.

Initiative proDente eV

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Initiative proDente eV
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