Home » Special Article|Promoting China-France Comprehensive Strategic Partnership to a New Level—All walks of life in France look forward to President Xi Jinping’s state visit to France

Special Article|Promoting China-France Comprehensive Strategic Partnership to a New Level—All walks of life in France look forward to President Xi Jinping’s state visit to France

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Special Article|Promoting China-France Comprehensive Strategic Partnership to a New Level—All walks of life in France look forward to President Xi Jinping’s state visit to France

Xinhua News Agency, Paris, May 4th – With President Xi Jinping set to pay a state visit to France at the invitation of President Macron, people from all walks of life in France are eagerly anticipating the visit, seeing it as an opportunity to promote the China-France Comprehensive Strategic Partnership to new heights.

The 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France adds special significance to President Xi’s visit, as it represents an opportunity to build on past achievements and pave the way for future cooperation. Alain Merieux, chairman of the French Mérieux Foundation, highlighted the importance of the visit in deepening historical friendship and fostering new areas of cooperation between the two countries.

Over the past six decades, China-France relations have been at the forefront of China’s dealings with Western countries, characterized by a unique “Sino-French spirit” of mutual understanding and cooperation. The strategic guidance provided by Presidents Xi Jinping and Macron has further strengthened bilateral ties, leading to fruitful cooperation in various fields.

Economic and trade cooperation between China and France has also flourished in recent years, with China being France’s largest trading partner in Asia and France ranking as China’s third-largest trading partner in the EU. The China International Import Expo has served as an important platform for French products to enter the Chinese market, with hopes for further collaboration in various industries.

Cultural exchanges between the two countries have also played a vital role in enhancing mutual understanding and cooperation. Various activities under the China-France Culture and Tourism Year have brought people from both countries closer together, creating opportunities for cultural exchange and collaboration.

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As President Xi Jinping’s visit approaches, the people of France are looking forward to strengthening cooperation with China in various areas and deepening the bonds of friendship between the two nations. The visit is seen as a significant step towards promoting peace, stability, and prosperity in the global community.

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