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These tricks will help you achieve the runner’s high.

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These tricks will help you achieve the runner’s high.

Do you occasionally run as if in a rush, completing your laps with pure joy because your legs feel light, the effort is hardly noticeable and you are in harmony with your body?

These are the moments while running when the kilometers just rush by and I find myself in runner’s high, in the ultimate flow. Studies show that the majority of runners have experienced such perfect moments. Around 70 percent of people can report at least one runner’s high during running training, and some experience this feeling regularly.

In order for this feeling to occur, moderate exertion is required: runs of over an hour or short, more intense units. There are different definitions for runner’s high. The consensus is that it is a type of euphoric sensation that gives runners an increased sense of well-being.

The common opinion that endorphin release is primarily responsible for these moments of happiness was refuted in 2021. It has been proven that the running rush is triggered by cannabis-like molecules in the body. This high is completely natural to the body and is of biochemical origin. It cannot be completely dismissed that the runner’s high has a certain addictive potential. Dependence can also arise from something good – I would include myself here.

Although there isn’t really a guide on how to achieve a runner’s high, the following factors can increase the chance of experiencing a runner’s high:

A steady rhythm of steps can put you into a kind of trance. And the flow state is similar to a trance. The body is challenged in an appropriate way without overwhelming it. It is often recommended to run at 70 to a maximum of 85 percent of your age and training-dependent maximum heart rate. Your daily form is crucial. It sometimes takes patience to find the right step or to get your head to switch off and be ready for a runner’s high. Sufficient sleep promotes the body’s own production of cannabis-like molecules, which increases the chance of getting a runner’s high .Good thoughts or moments of happiness from the past help.

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Finally, it should be mentioned that there is also a biker’s high etc. Such moments can occur anywhere in endurance sports.

Maya Neuenschwander is a running expert and former top athlete. Today she works at Swiss Olympic.

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