Home » Milena Santirocco found alive in Castel Volturno. But the escape of the dance teacher from Lanciano remains a mystery

Milena Santirocco found alive in Castel Volturno. But the escape of the dance teacher from Lanciano remains a mystery

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Milena Santirocco found alive in Castel Volturno.  But the escape of the dance teacher from Lanciano remains a mystery

“She’s alive, she’s alive.” The strangled scream of the two children and the sister of Milena Santiroccothe 54 year old from Abruzzo They throw (Chieti) disappeared for six days from Torino di Sangro. A scream of anger after having repeated, stubbornly, for days, that “it couldn’t be a voluntary departure”. Then the family remained silent: it is not a tragedy, but the escape remains a mystery. Why did she walk away? With who? Where has she been these six days? Milena was found last night. She was in Castel Volturno in the Caserta area from where, according to the first reconstruction, she entered the “Due Punto Zero” bar, on the street Domitian near the town hall of the Campania town, and asked for a telephone to call. He was in a state of obvious agitation. She was recognized by the managers as the missing dance teacher in Lanciano and help was called. Shortly afterwards, the police who were following the case with her Flying Squad arrived. The woman immediately underwent health checks.


The happy ending, surprisingly, while pessimistic hypotheses were already spreading, arrived after six days of research. He is in good health and is in the police station after having contacted his family. The dance and fitness teacher had disappeared last Sunday. The massive searches and searches by the firefighters, Civil Protection, divers and Coast Guard who yesterday patrolled the Adriatic Sea up to Termoli with drones and helicopters were useless. Just yesterday the operational base was moved about ten kilometers south, to Casalbordino Lido, from the Turin di Sangro seafront, where Milena’s Renault Clio was found on Monday afternoon, which was open and also had a punctured wheel with a nail. Alessia Natali, Abruzzo manager of “Penelope”, the association that deals with missing persons, also arrived in Casalbordino yesterday, accompanied by the lawyer Antonio Cozza, of the Perugia Court. Her sons Manuel and Denis had also distributed Penelope’s SOS flyer along the entire coast, with data and photos of their mother.

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Natali clarified: «Maximum alert in Vasto and its surroundings and I would like to point out that the red jacket worn by Milena is not to be taken into consideration. She is dressed sportily. With the lawyer Cozza we also retraced a stretch of coast on foot, a hypothetical route that Milena could have taken, starting from the Torino di Sangro car park to understand what had happened. I received the first two reports from Vasto and from another place, but their reliability must be verified. It is not known whether Milena was wearing a red jacket. Research extended to the South also because the marine currents are not well defined and, therefore, the research basin has been expanded.” The police of They throw yesterday he had also listened to some of Milena’s friends and acquaintances, but no clues had emerged regarding what had happened, even though the Public Prosecutor’s Office had opened a case for kidnapping. There had been numerous appeals from her family in recent days: the woman’s Facebook profile was strangely deleted and her mobile phone turned off. Her car had been found in Torino di Sangro with a flat tire, or rather with a nail in a tyre.


Searched the sea, beaches, the “Via Verde” cycle and pedestrian path and the Lecceta di Torino di Sangro, where Milena he often went to do physical activity and where last Sunday, at 6.37pm, the last connection to the telephone cell occurred: the one that had advised us to search the stretch of sea on the Trabocchi coast. She sent the last photos of her taken with her mobile phone while she was at the seaside on Whatsapp at 3.3pm on Sunday.


No investigative importance had been given to the circumstance until October Milena she had turned to a parish priest to ask for a blessing for her work. She was worried about her “Paso Melodia” gym where she had found objects deemed “evil” in the corners. She had turned to Father Pius Chittilappilly, an Indian religious man from the parish of San Pietro and exorcist of the Diocese of Lanciano-Ortona. «She came with a friend and collaborator to ask for a blessing – she said – she was frightened by the objects found. She came back days later to ask for a blessing for the gym again, but she was calm and serene, a beautiful person.”

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Only blessing and no exorcism, therefore, emerged from the police checks who considered the episode too dated to be related to Milena’s disappearance. The investigations, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor of the Vasto Prosecutor’s Office, Silvia Di Nunzio, were awaiting the scientific assessment of the car to understand if anyone had left traces.
“Now it is necessary – explained Natalica – for Milena to carry out medical tests and then we will need to understand what happened to her”. Here: what happened?


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