Home » Can those suffering from heart disease go on holiday in the mountains? The health effects and risks that few know about

Can those suffering from heart disease go on holiday in the mountains? The health effects and risks that few know about

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Can those suffering from heart disease go on holiday in the mountains?  The health effects and risks that few know about

Holidays in the mountains can be a dream for many, but for those suffering from heart disease, it can also be a nightmare. Professor Alberto Margonato, head of the cardiology unit at the San Raffaele Hospital, warns about the health risks that come with taking a mountain holiday with heart issues.

According to Professor Margonato, physical activity at high altitudes can have negative effects on those with high blood pressure and heart disease. As you climb higher, the concentration of oxygen decreases, and the cold can constrict arteries and coronary arteries, increasing pressure and potentially leading to episodes of ischemia.

For patients with unstable forms of ischemia or severe heart failure, it is recommended to avoid altitudes altogether. However, those with well-controlled hypertension, non-serious coronary disease, and mild heart failure can still enjoy a mountain holiday with certain precautions.

These precautions include covering up well, avoiding sudden changes in altitude, limiting physical exercise, avoiding fatty and salty foods, and staying below 2,000 meters above sea level if possible. By following these guidelines, those with heart disease can still enjoy the beauty of the mountains while keeping their health in check.

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