Home » Xi Jinping “I want to increase political trust and expand exchanges and cooperation with France” :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

Xi Jinping “I want to increase political trust and expand exchanges and cooperation with France” :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

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Xi Jinping “I want to increase political trust and expand exchanges and cooperation with France” :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

[베이징=신화/뉴시스] French President Emmanuel Macron (right) is shaking hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the welcome ceremony in front of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, on the 6th (local time). President Macron asked President Xi to “bring both Russia and Ukraine to the peace negotiation table,” and President Xi said, “I am ready to speak by phone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at any time.” 2023.04.07.

[서울=뉴시스]Reporter Lee Jae-jun = Chinese President Xi Jinping said on the 5th (local time) that he hopes to increase political trust with France, where relations have recently deteriorated, and to expand exchanges and cooperation in various fields, Xinhua News Agency and others reported.

According to the media, President Xi Jinping, who was on a tour of Europe, arrived at Orly Airport in France, his first country of visit, this afternoon and was welcomed by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal.

In a written statement upon arrival, President Xi said, “I am very happy to be able to make my third state visit to France and celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France with the French people.”

At the same time, President Xi emphasized, “As important representatives of Eastern and Western civilizations, the two countries have had a mutual interest and have been attracted to each other for a long time,” and added, “The relationship between the two countries has been at the forefront of relations between China and Western countries, injecting stability and positive energy into an unstable world.” did.

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President Xi said that during his visit, he plans to exchange in-depth views with President Emmanuel Macron on bilateral relations, the development of China-Europe relations, and major international and regional issues in the new situation.

In addition, President Xi used this visit as an opportunity to solidify the traditional friendship between the two countries, enhance political trust, consolidate strategic consensus, and expand exchanges and cooperation in various fields to create a better future for China-France relations and achieve world peace, stability, and development. He expressed his wish to contribute to the cause.

Meanwhile, in an article published in the influential newspaper Le Figaro, President Xi evaluated that the relationship between China and France has established a bridge that opens communication between East and West.

In addition, President Xi argued that France is pursuing re-industrialization based on ‘green innovation’ and China is accelerating the development of high-quality production capacity, and that the two countries can strengthen innovation cooperation and jointly promote green development.

Regarding the war in Ukraine, President Xi expressed his willingness to work with France and the international community to find a reasonable way to escape the crisis.

◎ Sympathetic media Newsis [email protected]

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