Home » 5 hours of sleep, 12 meetings – this is how Sophie Chung manages her time

5 hours of sleep, 12 meetings – this is how Sophie Chung manages her time

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5 hours of sleep, 12 meetings – this is how Sophie Chung manages her time

Health tech founder Sophie Chung thinks it’s lucky she doesn’t need a lot of sleep. This leaves more time for appointments. Almost twenty a day. Qunomedical/ start-up scene

Busy? Yes, of course, we are all female founders in some way. But Sophie Chung is next-level busy. A calendar with practically no gaps? There are bedtimes listed, very short ones, mind you, and work blocks that start at six in the morning? That can’t work.

We asked and reached Chung while driving from one appointment to the next. She sounds very happy and relaxed and not at all like someone who is in the middle of a day of eight meetings. What is the secret to your time and energy management?

Doing a lot and wanting a lot runs through Chung’s CV: The Austrian studied medicine, philosophy and sinology in Vienna, was a McKinsey consultant and worked for a health startup in New York. In 2015, she founded Qunomedical in Berlin, a software-as-a-service provider for clinics and medical practices.

And this is what a real week looks like in the founder’s calendar:

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