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“I was coughing and thought it was a cold, but instead it was stage 4 cancer”

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“I was coughing and thought it was a cold, but instead it was stage 4 cancer”

by Editorial Staff

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Natalie Sue did not give importance to cough which had been bothering her for two months, considering it common for the persistence of irritating symptoms after a cold. However, everything changed when something that sounded like something out of a horror movie came out of his mouth. During her podcast, Sue, a beautician from St. Petersburg, Florida, United States of Americasaid he couldn’t forget the day when, for the first time, he coughed a blood clot the size of a thumb: it was Friday 13 May 2022.

A dramatic development

As reported by Daily Mail, The next day, the mother of one went to the emergency room alone. Subsequent tests revealed the family’s worst nightmare: four cancerous tumors ravaging his family lungs. But, surprisingly, it wasn’t lung cancer. In fact, the illness could be traced back to a potentially fatal mole that she had removed five years earlier.

The story of a melanoma

In 2017, Ms Sue consulted a dermatologist for a suspicious mole on her neck, later diagnosed as melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer. Further tests showed that the disease had not spread to other parts of her body and, after the mole was removed, she was given the all-clear. Natalie thus continued her life, giving birth to her son.

The return of the disease

However, the disease returned with renewed ferocity. She said that she would never forget the expression of the radiologist who had performed the scans of her lungs. She immediately knew something was wrong. A subsequent biopsy revealed that the disease had reached the sstage fourand doctors told her that her chances of surviving beyond five years were 30 percent.

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Natalie’s fight

When she told her family the news, she was advised to cancel an upcoming trip to Mexico. However, she decided to leave, fearing that it might be her last chance. Upon returning, she faced eight months of immunotherapy and multiple chemotherapy, during which she suffered constant pain, barely able to function without painkillers. After the last course of treatment, she became jaundiced and went into surgery liver failureimmediately starting treatment with high dose steroids for several months.

The amazing healing

Although melanoma is a less common but more dangerous form of skin cancer, and in some cases the primary source of the cancer remains unknown, Natalie Sue beat stage four cancer. In February 2023, after 276 days of treatment and hospitalization for signs of liver failure and six months of high-dose steroids, she received the news she never thought she would hear: she was free from cancer. “I’ve done it! I beat stage 4 cancer,” she posted on Instagram, expressing in her podcast the incredible thrill of having fought such a beast and having survived, despite the low odds.

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