Home » Seven traditional delicacies for the Beginning of Summer that are both delicious and healthy | Seven types of delicacies for the Beginning of Summer | Hanging eggs | Beginning of summer eggs

Seven traditional delicacies for the Beginning of Summer that are both delicious and healthy | Seven types of delicacies for the Beginning of Summer | Hanging eggs | Beginning of summer eggs

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Seven traditional delicacies for the Beginning of Summer that are both delicious and healthy | Seven types of delicacies for the Beginning of Summer | Hanging eggs | Beginning of summer eggs

Beginning of Summer: Traditional Foods and Customs to Celebrate the Arrival of Summer

[New Tang Dynasty News, Beijing time, May 5, 2024] Today marks the Beginning of Summer, one of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese calendar, signifying the official start of the summer season. As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, it is essential to pay attention to health preservation during this time. According to traditional Chinese medicine, summer belongs to the fire element, and nurturing the heart is crucial during this season. Eating red foods and following specific customs can help maintain health and well-being during the Beginning of Summer.

To nourish the heart during the Beginning of Summer, it is recommended to eat foods that are both delicious and meaningful. Seven must-eat traditional delicacies include eggs, “Begin of Summer Rice,” black rice, beginning of summer tea, Lixia Guo, summer cakes, and three delicacies. These foods are believed to have auspicious meanings and offer various health benefits.

One of the most classic foods during the Beginning of Summer is the “Beginning of Summer Egg.” Symbolizing completeness and safety, eating eggs at the beginning of summer is thought to protect against the harsh summer weather and promote overall well-being. Another popular dish is the “Begin of Summer Rice,” a mix of five colored rice representing balance and good health. Additionally, consuming black rice is said to dispel wind and detoxify the body, preventing heat stroke and insect bites.

Drinking tea, such as “beginning of summer tea,” is also a common custom in certain regions to cool the body and ward off diseases. The tradition of “hanging eggs” involves weaving silk thread into a bag and hanging boiled eggs on children’s chests to ward off illnesses during the hot summer months.

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As we enter the summer season, it is essential to remember the significance of the Beginning of Summer and embrace these traditional foods and customs to celebrate the changing seasons and promote health and prosperity.

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