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AUSL | Communication and press

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06/05/2024 – Il Meeting Giovani reached his thirtieth edition is ready to go on stage and bring the Theater in the Park the result of the path taken during the school year on the topic “The power of love”. Supported by their teachers, by the operators of the Youth Space of the Local Health Authority, by educators from Youth Centers and facilitators with specific training, the children discussed and explored in depth the various meanings of love, the power it has and the paths that follow they can undertake guided by this feeling. This year the Meeting involved over 1,200 young people: Around 700 actively participated in the project, creating an expressive artistic contribution, while the other young people participated in the three days. The Youth Meeting is an initiative to promote health and prevent youth distress in a proactive and positive perspective. It’s an opportunity to listening to young people and a tool for one participatory construction of health. Designed by Youth Space of the Local Health Authority of Parmathe project is carried out together with Municipality and University of Parma, Provincial Educational Office, Galleria dei Pensieri Association and Compagnia Era Acquariowith the patronage of Emilia Romagna region.


The opening evening that kicks off the three days of Youth Meetings is there8 May, at 8.30 pm at the Teatro al Parco, with the theater and dance show by the Era Acquario Company, the L. Vicini middle school, the Marconi high school and the Esprit youth center. On the following two days, May 9th and the morning of the 10th, the performances continue 35 contributions created in various artistic expressions: theatre, video, music, dance. The event concludes musical created by the Galleria dei Pensieri and Résonance associations with the Sanvitale high school, which retraces the history and issues addressed during the 30 years of Youth Meetings.

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One is set up in the atrium of the Teatro al Parco exhibition of installations edited by the students of the Toschi high school and one Photo exhibition organized by the social service for minors area of ​​Reggio Emilia, Union of Colline Matildiche Municipalities. The buffet it is offered by the students of Enaip, while the guys from Formafuturo offer a small gadget with gastronomic products of their production to the participants. The graphics of this year’s Meeting was created by Federico Albertelli (4th B Graphics of the Toschi high school) and the placemark by Gabriele Schmidt (3rd A Architecture of the Toschi high school).

The complete program del Meeting


The theme “The strength of love” does not aim to define love in a universal way, but wants to invite young people to express what the meaning of love is for them. The views on love are infinite and each is necessary. Love follows different directions and currents: it guides like a driving force that pushes towards life and sometimes overwhelms, catching us unprepared and taking us where we would never have expected.

Love leads outside the self, towards a world made of people, passions, dreams to be realized, but also within oneself, on an inner journey: one that leads to looking at oneself, rediscovering oneself, accepting oneself, forgiving oneself, finally loving oneself.

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