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what the data from three new studies reveal

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what the data from three new studies reveal

The Price of Olive Oil: Health Benefits and Scams Revealed

Extra virgin olive oil, also known as green gold, has long been prized for its taste and health benefits. However, recent studies have shed light on the importance of consuming high-quality olive oil for its protective properties against diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s.

A study published in the European Journal Of Critical Nutrition, hosted by Nature, revealed that olive oil can act as a shield against the formation of tumors and cardiovascular diseases. The research, conducted over 13 years with 23 thousand Italian adults, showed that daily consumption of olive oil reduces the risk of tumors by 13.7% and serious diseases by 21.2%.

Furthermore, another study by Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health highlighted the protective effects of olive oil against neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive decline. Daily consumption of at least 7 grams of olive oil was found to reduce mortality related to dementia and Alzheimer’s by 28%.

Despite these promising findings, the market for olive oil is rife with counterfeit products and low-quality oils. It is crucial for consumers to choose high-quality, preferably extra virgin olive oil from certified sources to reap the health benefits. Recent anti-fraud actions have exposed the prevalence of counterfeit oils in the market, emphasizing the importance of choosing authentic products.

To ensure that you are buying healthy olive oil, look for certifications and labels indicating the origin and quality of the oil. Investing in high-quality olive oil may come with a higher price tag, but the health benefits and protection against diseases make it worth the cost.

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As the demand for olive oil continues to rise, consumers must be vigilant in choosing authentic and high-quality products to truly benefit from the “green gold” of the Mediterranean diet.

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