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May not perform at the dress rehearsal

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May not perform at the dress rehearsal

It is the Dutch artist Joost Klein who is being investigated, according to the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. Sweden’s television writes that the police will not confirm that it is Klein they are investigating.

– We have a case with a man who is suspected of threats that took place in Malmö Arena. The suspected crime allegedly took place on Thursday night, but was reported on Friday. We have interviewed witnesses and implemented other investigative measures, says Evelina Olsson, police spokesperson, to Aftonbladet.

Already on Friday, the Eurovision organizer EBU announced that they were investigating “an incident” linked to Klein.

Then a reporter got in The evening paper thanks to the artist.

– Joost, what are they investigating? What have you done, according to the EBU?

– Have a nice day, Klein replied as he entered an elevator. He did not answer any of the journalist’s questions.

Late on Friday evening, the ESC wrote in a message to the media that Joost Klein would not perform on Friday evening, as a result of the fact that he was still being investigated by the EBU.

Joost’s performance on Thursday would be used instead. In other words, the Netherlands is currently not disqualified.

– It is sensational in Eurovision standards. He is obviously accused of violence, but it does not appear that there is enough evidence to convict him. Then this becomes a kind of backup solution, says president of Norway’s MGP club, Morten Thomassen.

Joost Klein at the press conference on Thursday after semi-final two. Photo: Sarah Louise Bennett / EBU

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The Dutch journalist Max Van Den Broek in the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf tells VG that it is a stressful situation.

He himself thought that Joost was going to be disqualified.

– We thought our chances were zero. The Netherlands and the EBU are still talking, so that’s good. We still hope to hear him in the final, he says to VG.

Max Van Den Broek is pleasantly surprised. He hopes the Netherlands can participate in the final. Photo: Gyrid Friis Edland / VG

Press conference cancelled

Earlier on Friday, a press conference was canceled by the EBU. The cancellation was explained by the fact that the artists wanted to prioritize Friday’s performance, but according to VG’s information, there have been long crisis meetings in the EBU from Friday morning and well into the evening.

This is the reason why the traditional press conference with the participants from the big five in the EBU, as well as the host country, was cancelled.

It has never previously been cancelled, according to the president of the Norwegian Melodi Grand Prix club, Morten Thomassen.

POSTPONED: Voting for countries that are not participating in Eurovision should open after the dress rehearsal on Friday evening. Photo: Eurovision

Voting cancelled

On the night of Saturday, it became clear that the case leads to even more trouble for Eurovision: The vote for countries that are not themselves in the competition has been postponed because of the incident.

– The vote for the rest of the world has been postponed until the EBU has finished with an ongoing investigation regarding the Dutch participant, writes Eurovision on its website.

Voting for the rest of the world should this year open the night before the evening, after the dress rehearsal, and close when the live show begins.

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Also read: Eurovision: – Towards the most controversial victory of all time

In the video below, you can hear excerpts from Joost and other finalists who progressed during Thursday’s semi-final:

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