Home » Drink before eating? This is why you should always do it

Drink before eating? This is why you should always do it

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Drink before eating?  This is why you should always do it

Anyone born more or less in the Seventies has the prohibition on drinking before eating imprinted in their minds. Parents, teachers during school canteen, even in cartoons like Pimpa or Barbapapa forbade putting glasses and water on the table before starting the meal. But the idea that quenching your thirst before lunch or dinner has negative consequences and that only drinking water between meals is beneficial for digestion and weight control is a myth with no scientific basis.

Drink before eating? This is why you should always do it

The belief that you shouldn’t drink water during meals is equally unfounded. Nutritionists point out that digestion requires a significant volume of water and that the absence of this during meals can compromise the efficiency of the digestive process, nullifying the intake of nutrients. Furthermore, dry foods such as bread, pasta or cereals need to be softened by water to facilitate the action of gastric juices, and this is one more reason to prepare the digestive system with a glass of water before introducing food .

The benefits of drinking 1 or 2 glasses of water before each meal

Drinking water before meals can have a general beneficial effect on intestinal well-being, keeping the colon clean and combating constipation. Experts say that this practice reduces the feeling of hunger, avoiding an excessive approach to food during meals, promotes digestion and generally has a purifying action.

1. Promotes digestion

Correct hydration during meals makes foods softer, improving their consistency and thus facilitating digestion and intestinal transit. However, it is important not to exaggerate with the amount of water during meals to avoid excessively diluting the gastric juices.

2. Reduces food intake and allows you to lose weight

Studies like that published in “Obesity” by the University of Birmingham have shown that drinking half a liter of water half an hour before meals can actually reduce body weight. This is because water does not provide calories and can increase the feeling of satiety, leading to a reduction in the portions of food consumed.

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3. It has a purifying action

Water helps eliminate metabolic waste induced by stress, pollution and a diet rich in toxins. This purifying action is crucial to prevent the accumulation of fat-soluble toxins in adipose tissue, which could otherwise occur due to insufficient elimination due to over-intake or inadequate hepatic or renal activity.


Drinking water before eating is a simple habit that can significantly improve digestive health, contribute to weight loss and help the body in its purifying function. Not only is it a healthy practice, but it is also an effective method to combat constipation and maintain optimal fluid balance, essential for overall well-being.


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Photo by Ibrahim Boran / Engin Akyurt / Greg Rosenke


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